有谁知道这两种方法有何区别: String.slice String.substring slice() works like substring() with a few different behaviors. Syntax: string.slice(start, stop); Syntax: string.substring(start, stop); What they have in common: If start equals stop : returns an empty string If stop is omitted: extracts characters to the end of the string If either argument is greater than the string's lengt
有谁知道这两种方法有何区别: String.slice String.substring slice()像substring() ,具有一些不同的行为。 Syntax: string.slice(start, stop); Syntax: string.substring(start, stop); 他们有什么共同之处: 如果start等于stop :返回一个空字符串 如果省略stop :将字符提取到字符串的末尾 如果任一参数大于字符串的长度,则将使用该字符串的长度。 substring() 区别 : 如果start > stop ,那么substring
i want to apply hover and click event at the same time. my hover() is working perfectly but when i clicks on the div it don't shows anything ... i was watching examples on stackoverflow but didn't found. i want when i clicks on the div it show me the same behaviour as it showing me on hover() fiddle : http://jsfiddle.net/gt70233f/ myHTML <div class="col-lg-3" id="majic">
我想同时应用悬停和点击事件。 我的hover()是完美的工作,但当我点击div它不显示任何东西...我正在看的例子在stackoverflow,但没有找到。 我希望当我点击div它会向我展示与hover()时显示的相同的行为hover() 小提琴:http://jsfiddle.net/gt70233f/ MYHTML <div class="col-lg-3" id="majic"> <img src="http://www.endlessicons.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/02/magic-icon-614x460.png" style="heig
I have a form and i need to submit the form as soon as some change has been made to one of the fields in the form without having the user to click update or submit button. I am familiar with AJAX and I can get the form to submit via AJAX using a button, but i now need to change this to submiting a form as soon as the user types something in one of the fields At present I am putting the .keydo
我有一个表单,只要对表单中的某个字段进行了一些更改,而无需用户点击更新或提交按钮,我就需要提交表单。 我熟悉AJAX,我可以通过AJAX获取表单,但是我现在需要将其更改为在用户在某个字段中键入内容时立即提交表单 目前,我在每个输入字段上放置了.keydown() ,尽管它可以工作,但是这使得脚本很长,我想知道是否有更好的方法来处理它。 这是我正在做的个别领域检测变化 if ($("#some_field").length) { var timer =
Can I turn this: $(document).bind("mousedown", function(){ n = 1; }); $(document).bind("mouseup", function(){ n = 2; }); $(document).bind("mousemove", function(){ n = 3; }); Into something like this: $(document).bind("mousemove mouseup mousedown", function(e){ if (e.event == mousemove){ n = 3; } }); Adding more text because stackoverflow says my post cont
我可以打开这个: $(document).bind("mousedown", function(){ n = 1; }); $(document).bind("mouseup", function(){ n = 2; }); $(document).bind("mousemove", function(){ n = 3; }); 像这样的东西: $(document).bind("mousemove mouseup mousedown", function(e){ if (e.event == mousemove){ n = 3; } }); 添加更多的文本,因为stackoverflow说我的文章主要包含代码 你可以在
I read somewhere that it is possible to do something like this: $(document).on({click: function(){}}) Is this true or is there something similar to this that jQuery supports? I would like to pass an object with settings. Yes, it is possible. It is an easy way to bind more than one event at once, like this: $(target).on({ click: function() { /*... do something when user clicks ...*/ },
我在某处读到可以做这样的事情: $(document).on({click: function(){}}) 这是真的还是有类似于jQuery支持的东西? 我想传递一个设置对象。 对的,这是可能的。 一次绑定多个事件是一种简单的方法,如下所示: $(target).on({ click: function() { /*... do something when user clicks ...*/ }, mouseover: function() { /*... do something else ...*/ }, keyup: function(){ /* ... */ } // and so on.
As opposed to this question, here I am asking if it's possible to do something like this: $(several different selectors).click(function() { console.log("Click"); }); So if I have something like this: <div id="a">A</div> <div id="b">B</div> <div id="c">C</div> I want to make several different selectors select #a , #b and #c , and then whichever one I
与这个问题相反,在这里我问是否可以做这样的事情: $(several different selectors).click(function() { console.log("Click"); }); 所以如果我有这样的事情: <div id="a">A</div> <div id="b">B</div> <div id="c">C</div> 我想让several different selectors选择#a , #b和#c ,然后,无论我点击哪一个,都会记录“点击”。 我尝试了$('#a', "#b", "#c&q
Is there a way to have multiple events (eg oninput, onblur) trigger exactly the same function in the HTML? This is the HTML that I'm trying to simplify: <input id="Email" name="Email" type="text" oninput="toggleSuccessIcon(this, isEmail)" onblur="toggleSuccessIcon(this, isEmail)"> I know this is possible in jQuery as explained here, but since I have a lot of different inputs (eg add
有没有办法让多个事件(例如oninput,onblur)在HTML中触发完全相同的功能? 这是我试图简化的HTML: <input id="Email" name="Email" type="text" oninput="toggleSuccessIcon(this, isEmail)" onblur="toggleSuccessIcon(this, isEmail)"> 我知道在jQuery中这是可能的,因为我有很多不同的输入(例如地址,邮政编码等)需要调用不同的函数(例如toggleSuccessIcon(this,isAddresss),toggleSuccessIcon(this,is
i want to PREVENT the default action when the tab key is pressed and only wanna do it in chrome, i can't find a solution for that, can anyone please help ? i am using jquery Here's an article on how to detect chrome: http://javascriptly.com/2008/09/javascript-to-detect-google-chrome/ And this question: Disable tab key on a specific div might help you on disabling the tab key. If yo
我想防止按Tab键时的默认动作,只想在铬中做到这一点,我找不到解决方案,任何人都可以请帮忙吗? 我正在使用jquery 以下是关于如何检测Chrome的文章: http://javascriptly.com/2008/09/javascript-to-detect-google-chrome/ : http://javascriptly.com/2008/09/javascript-to-detect-google-chrome/ 而这个问题:在特定的div上禁用tab键可能会帮助您禁用tab键。 如果你能够把自己和你结合起来,你可能已经有效了。 禁
This question already has an answer here: jQuery multiple events to trigger the same function 10 answers You can define more than one event by separating them with a space. $('selector').on('keyup mouseout click', function(){ // will be called commonly }); You can use the above with bind also. Also, you could create a separate function and pass it to each handler, but that is overkill,
这个问题在这里已经有了答案: jQuery多个事件触发相同的功能10个答案 您可以通过用空格分隔多个事件来定义多个事件。 $('selector').on('keyup mouseout click', function(){ // will be called commonly }); 你也可以使用bind 。 另外,你可以创建一个单独的函数,并将它传递给每个处理程序,但我认为这是过度杀伤。
This question already has an answer here: jQuery multiple events to trigger the same function 10 answers Read the documentation of the tools you use. .on( events [, selector ] [, data ], handler ) events Type: String One or more space-separated event types and optional namespaces, such as "click" or "keydown.myPlugin". So add a space between the events $('.serie
这个问题在这里已经有了答案: jQuery多个事件触发相同的功能10个答案 阅读您使用的工具的文档。 .on( events [, selector ] [, data ], handler ) events 类型:字符串 一个或多个以空格分隔的事件类型和可选的命名空间,如“click”或“keydown.myPlugin”。 因此在事件之间添加一个空格 $('.series input').on('change keyup', do_something);