Aurelia binding for button callback function

I want to pass an array of objects that define buttons to a custom element, like this: <my-panel header="My Title" view-buttons.bind="[{icon: 'fa-plus', display: 'New', action: onNew}]"> </my-panel> In my custom element, I'm displaying the buttons like this: <button repeat.for="btn of viewButtons" class="btn btn-default" click.delegate="goButton(btn)"> <i class="f


我想将定义按钮的对象数组传递给一个自定义元素,如下所示: <my-panel header="My Title" view-buttons.bind="[{icon: 'fa-plus', display: 'New', action: onNew}]"> </my-panel> 在我的自定义元素中,我正在显示像这样的按钮: <button repeat.for="btn of viewButtons" class="btn btn-default" click.delegate="goButton(btn)"> <i class="fa ${btn.icon} fa-fw"></i> ${btn.display}

How to pass object's method as a parameter in Javascript

Can't figure out how to pass object's method as a parameter properly. Here is my code: var MyTest = function (p1) { this.p1 = p1; }; MyTest.prototype.getParam = function () { return this.p1; }; function doAction(getParamCallback) { console.log(getParamCallback()); } var mt = new MyTest(123); console.log(mt.getParam()); // 123 doAction(mt.getParam); // undefined The only w


无法弄清楚如何正确传递对象的方法作为参数。 这是我的代码: var MyTest = function (p1) { this.p1 = p1; }; MyTest.prototype.getParam = function () { return this.p1; }; function doAction(getParamCallback) { console.log(getParamCallback()); } var mt = new MyTest(123); console.log(mt.getParam()); // 123 doAction(mt.getParam); // undefined 正确传递方法的唯一方法是传递对象和方法,并使用

Ways to break JavaScript Scope

JavaScript normally follows the function scope ie variables are accessible only within the function in which they are declared. One of the ways to break this convention and make the variable accessible outside the function scope is to use the global window object eg window.myVar = 123; My question is are there any other ways in JavaScript/jQuery to make the variable accessible outside the fun


JavaScript通常遵循函数范围,即变量只能在声明它们的函数内访问。 破坏这个约定并使该变量在函数范围之外可访问的方法之一是使用全局窗口对象,例如 window.myVar = 123; 我的问题是在JavaScript / jQuery中有没有其他方法可以在函数范围之外访问变量? 没有变量声明,没有。 你显然可以在外部范围声明一个变量,以便它可以被所有后代范围访问: var a; // Available globally function example() { a = "hello"; //

AngularJS using bind(this)

I have lately switched to using " this " in the controllers and controllerAs in ngRoute and Directives, rather than $scope directly. Although I really enjoy the way the code looks, I have to bind "this" to each function - manually. Example: app.controller('mainController', function ($scope, Restangular) { this.title = ''; $scope.$on('changeTitle', function (event,


我最近转向在ngRoute和Directives中的控制器和控制器中使用“ this ”,而不是直接使用$ scope 。 虽然我非常喜欢代码的外观,但我必须手动将“this”绑定到每个函数。 例: app.controller('mainController', function ($scope, Restangular) { this.title = ''; $scope.$on('changeTitle', function (event, data) { this.title = data; }.bind(this)); //<<<<<<<<<<<&l

Why is JavaScript bind() necessary?

The problem in example 1 is 'this' referring to the global name instead of the myName object. I understand the use of bind() in setting the value of this to a specific object, so it solves the problem in example 1, but why does this problem occur in the first place? Is it just the way Javascript was created? I'm also wondering why example 3 solves the issue and the difference bet


例1中的问题是'this'引用全局名称而不是myName对象。 我理解使用bind()将此值设置为特定对象,因此它解决了示例1中的问题,但为什么此问题首先出现? 它只是Javascript创建的方式吗? 我还想知道为什么示例3解决了这个问题以及示例2和示例3之间的区别。 = "John" var myName = { name: "Tom", getName: function() { return } } var storeMyName = myName.getName; //

Javascript event handler with parameters

I want to make an eventHandler that passes the event and some parameters. The problem is that the function doesn't get the element. Here is an example: doClick = function(func){ var elem = .. // the element where it is all about elem.onclick = function(e){ func(e, elem); } } doClick(function(e, element){ // do stuff with element and the event }); The 'elem'


我想做一个eventHandler来传递事件和一些参数。 问题是该函数没有得到该元素。 这里是一个例子: doClick = function(func){ var elem = .. // the element where it is all about elem.onclick = function(e){ func(e, elem); } } doClick(function(e, element){ // do stuff with element and the event }); 'elem'必须在匿名函数之外定义。 我怎样才能获得传递的元素在匿名函数内使用?

Proper use of bind and referencing objects values in a click handler

This question already has an answer here: Javascript call() & apply() vs bind()? 17 answers bind() makes the element you bind with be the 'this' inside the method. You should use 'this' as the reference, not the name you used when you bound.


这个问题在这里已经有了答案: Javascript调用()&apply()vs bind()? 17个答案 bind()使你绑定的元素成为方法内的'this'。 您应该使用'this'作为参考,而不是您在绑定时使用的名称。

Preference between call and bind in javascript?

This question already has an answer here: Javascript call() & apply() vs bind()? 17 answers A bound function will have its this value immutable. So in your case the XYZ object will be pointed. I will update this answer when I get to my pc


这个问题在这里已经有了答案: Javascript调用()&apply()vs bind()? 17个答案 绑定函数的this值是不可变的。 所以在你的情况下, XYZ对象将被指向。 当我到达我的电脑时,我会更新这个答案

What's the difference between bind and call?

This question already has an answer here: Javascript call() & apply() vs bind()? 17 answers .call executes the function immediately. .bind returns a new function which can be executed at your convenience. For example it can be used as callback.


这个问题在这里已经有了答案: Javascript调用()&apply()vs bind()? 17个答案 .call立即执行该功能。 .bind返回一个可以在你方便的时候执行的新函数。 例如它可以用作回调。

Call function in javascript gives error

This question already has an answer here: Javascript call() & apply() vs bind()? 17 answers apply requires an array of parameter, you should use it as saymyName.apply(o, ['hello there']); or else you could use call, 'hello there'); Use call instead of apply, as apply needs the second parameter to be an Array–like object. Use apply when an array of values needs to b


这个问题在这里已经有了答案: Javascript调用()&apply()vs bind()? 17个答案 apply需要一个参数数组,你应该使用它 saymyName.apply(o, ['hello there']); 否则你可以使用call, 'hello there'); 使用调用而不是应用,因为应用需要第二个参数是一个类似数组的对象。 当需要将值数组作为参数发送到被调用的函数时(例如,使用参数对象传递当前正在执行的函数的所有参数),请使用apply。