Old .NET Compact Framework apps still run on Windows Phone 7? Will new apps developed with .NET 3.5 run on WP7? I mean, not Silverlight apps. 不需要。您需要使用CF版本3.7(或更高版本),它只针对Windows Phone设备。 The short answer is no. Windows ce/windows mobile/compact framework apps will not run on wp7. No they do not. You will need to create them using C#. To debug you need the develo
旧的.NET Compact Framework应用程序仍然在Windows Phone 7上运行? 使用.NET 3.5开发的新应用程序是否会在WP7上运行? 我的意思是,不是Silverlight应用程序。 不需要。您需要使用CF版本3.7(或更高版本),它只针对Windows Phone设备。 最简洁的答案是不。 Windows CE / Windows Mobile / Compact Framework应用程序无法在wp7上运行。 不,他们不。 您需要使用C#创建它们。 要进行调试,您需要开发人员工具。 这些
A have 2 services (ASP.NET and WCF) on localhost and Workflow project in VS2012. I've add service references of both services and after rubuild I've saw my activities. When I created my workflow and tried to start, I received an error during process: " Could not find endpoint element with name {0} and contract {1} in the ServiceModel client configuration section. " In my app.c
在VS2012中的本地主机和Workflow项目上有2个服务(ASP.NET和WCF)。 我已经添加了两个服务的服务引用,并且在rubuild之后,我已经看到了我的活动。 当我创建我的工作流并尝试启动时,我在处理过程中收到错误消息:“ 无法在ServiceModel客户端配置部分中找到名称为{0}的终端节点元素和合同为{1} ”在我的app.config文件中, : <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?> <configuration> <system.serviceMode
I have successfully implemented a standard WCF service bound to MSMQ using the net.msmq binding. I followed the instructions in a series of MSDN articles that are referenced through here: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms751490.aspx The issue now is that I would like to use the WCF net.msmq binding to activate a WF4 service. This has turned into a major frustration. As soon as I dep
我已经使用net.msmq绑定成功实现了绑定到MSMQ的标准WCF服务。 我遵循以下通过引用的一系列MSDN文章中的说明:http://msdn.microsoft.com/zh-cn/library/ms751490.aspx 现在的问题是我想使用WCF net.msmq绑定来激活WF4服务。 这已成为一个主要的挫折。 只要我将工作流程部署到IIS,消息框就会排空所有消息。 但是,没有激活工作流实例,并且我没有看到WCF调用的任何跟踪信息(我在AppFabric中配置了故障排除日志(跟踪)级
I have created a WF4 WorkflowServiceHost application. I need to change some of the binding attributes, but there is no binding information in the web.config. WCF 3.5 apps I'm used to dealing with generate this automatically in the config, but I don't know where WF4 keeps its settings. The service runs fine and exposes a http endpoint. How do I customise the binding info? And how can
我创建了一个WF4 WorkflowServiceHost应用程序。 我需要更改一些绑定属性,但web.config中没有绑定信息。 WCF 3.5应用程序我习惯于在配置文件中自动生成这个应用程序,但我不知道WF4在哪里保存它的设置。 该服务运行良好并公开了一个http端点。 我如何定制绑定信息? 我怎样才能看到使用的默认值是什么? 我只需要调整readerQuotas。自动生成的web.config如下所示: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?> <co
We have a long running workflow implemented using WF4 workflow services. We presently have a problem that when a new version of the workflow is deployed, existing persisted instances don't get loaded up. I saw on How do you manage versions in Workflow Foundation? (which then led to http://msmvps.com/blogs/theproblemsolver/archive/2008/09/10/versioning-long-running-workfows.aspx?ocid=aff-n-
我们有一个使用WF4工作流服务实现的长时间运行的工作流。 我们目前有一个问题,即在部署新版本的工作流时,现有的持久实例不会被加载。 我看到了如何管理Workflow Foundation中的版本? (然后导致http://msmvps.com/blogs/theproblemsolver/archive/2008/09/10/versioning-long-running-workfows.aspx?ocid=aff-n-we-loc--DEV40909&WT.mc_id= aff-n-we-loc - DEV40909)使用app.config中的代码库href提示管理不同的版
I have created a dialog box under Visual Studio .NET in C#/Winforms that must support multiple languages. I have set the dialog Localizable property to True, then selected the neutral Language - French and entered the French text in the dialog, as well as French (France). I see the associated resource files: AboutBox.fr-FR.resx AboutBox.fr.resx AboutBox.resx To test it, I set the thread
我在C#/ Winforms中的Visual Studio .NET下创建了一个对话框,它必须支持多种语言。 我已将对话框Localizable属性设置为True,然后选择中性语言 - 法语,并在对话框中输入法语文本以及法语(法语)。 我看到相关的资源文件: AboutBox.fr-FR.resx AboutBox.fr.resx AboutBox.resx 为了测试它,我在主线程中将线程CurrentCulture和CurrentUICulture设置为CultureInfo(“fr-FR”),如下所示,然后创建对话框,但仅显示
Does anyone out there has used Postsharp AOP framework in production environment? Are there any pitfalls? In order to do some logging etc, can Postsharp be used in conjunction with log4net ? Any tutorials on using Postsharp with Web Apps and/or log4net will be highly appreciated. Thanks In Advance. I and one other teammate use PostSharp in different ways on several projects that are in pr
有没有人在生产环境中使用过Postharp AOP框架? 有没有什么陷阱? 为了做一些日志记录等,可以将Postharp与log4net结合使用吗? 任何关于在Web Apps和/或log4net上使用Postharp的教程都将受到高度赞赏。 提前致谢。 我和另外一个队友以不同的方式在几个正在生产并且已经几个月的项目中使用PostSharp。 例如,在一种情况下,我使用它来记录异常情况下的方法参数值。 PostSharp Laos(包含在PostSharp中)是一种简单易用
We have an .Net application which uses ClickOnce to auto update. But the problem with Click Once is that all the assemblies get updates no matter any change happens in a project or not. I am thinking to manually update only changed dlls into previous ClickOnce published folder and updating manifest using MageUI.exe . I am also thinking to increment changed assemblies version so that we could t
我们有一个使用ClickOnce自动更新的.Net应用程序。 但Click Once的问题在于,无论项目中是否发生任何变化,所有程序集都会得到更新。 我正在考虑手动 将已更改的DLL 手动更新到以前的ClickOnce发布的文件夹,并使用MageUI.exe更新清单。 我也想增加更改的程序集版本,以便通过查看安装ClickOnce应用程序的用户的缓存文件夹来跟踪哪些程序集已更改。 我想知道这是一种可接受的方法吗? 谢谢。 我认为这不是必要的。 虽然C
I have a program that I'm trying to migrate over to .NET Standard/Core. The command line interface to the library is built with a target framework of netcoreapp1.0. I tried sending this to a tester (with a different OS) who only had .NET Core 1.1 installed. The program won't run, and gives the error: The specified framework 'Microsoft.NETCore.App', version '1.0.1' was not found. - Che
我有一个程序,我试图迁移到.NET标准/核心。 库的命令行接口是使用netcoreapp1.0的目标框架构建的。 我尝试将它发送给只安装了.NET Core 1.1的测试人员(使用不同的操作系统)。 该程序不会运行,并给出错误: The specified framework 'Microsoft.NETCore.App', version '1.0.1' was not found. - Check application dependencies and target a framework version installed at: /usr/share/dotnet/shared/Microsoft.NETCo
I would like to retrieve data types of columns returned from (any) SQL query (using OLE DB). My assumption was, that calling GetSchemaTable method on OleDbDataReader object provides this info in ProviderType column. To transform this number to actual name, I search that value in DataTypes schema table. My code looks following: Private Sub Test() Dim cs = "Provider=SQLOLEDB;Initial Catal
我想检索从(任何)SQL查询(使用OLE DB)返回的列的数据类型。 我的假设是,在OleDbDataReader对象上调用GetSchemaTable方法在ProviderType列中ProviderType了此信息。 为了将此数字转换为实际名称,我在DataTypes模式表中搜索该值。 我的代码如下所示: Private Sub Test() Dim cs = "Provider=SQLOLEDB;Initial Catalog=TestDb;Data Source=;User ID=XXX;Password=XXX" Dim schemaTable As DataTable