Uncaught TypeError: undefined is not a function on loading jquery

I'm building a normal webpage which requires me to load about five CSS files and ten Javascript files. When loading them separately in the HTML page, my webpage loads fine. Now for production, I concatenated all the Javascript into a single file, in the order needed, and all the CSS into another file. But when I try to run the web page with the concatenated files it throws an error sayin

Uncaught TypeError:undefined不是加载jquery的函数

我正在构建一个正常的网页,需要我加载大约五个CSS文件和十个Javascript文件。 当在HTML页面中分别加载它们时,我的网页加载正常。 现在为了生产,我把所有的Javascript连接成一个文件,按照需要的顺序,并把所有的CSS连接到另一个文件中。 但是当我尝试运行连接文件的网页时,它会抛出一个错误: Uncaught TypeError: undefined is not a function 在jquery.min.js被加载到连接的Javascript文件中的行上。 我能做些

Download a file from NodeJS Server using Express

How can I download a file that is in my server to my machine accessing a page in a nodeJS server? I'm using the ExpressJS and I've been trying this: app.get('/download', function(req, res){ var file = fs.readFileSync(__dirname + '/upload-folder/dramaticpenguin.MOV', 'binary'); res.setHeader('Content-Length', file.length); res.write(file, 'binary'); res.end(); }); But I can&#

使用Express从NodeJS Server下载文件

如何将我的服务器中的文件下载到我的机器上访问nodeJS服务器中的页面? 我正在使用ExpressJS,我一直在尝试: app.get('/download', function(req, res){ var file = fs.readFileSync(__dirname + '/upload-folder/dramaticpenguin.MOV', 'binary'); res.setHeader('Content-Length', file.length); res.write(file, 'binary'); res.end(); }); 但我无法获取文件名和文件类型(或扩展名)。 任何人都可以帮助我吗

Tool to Unminify / Decompress JavaScript

Are there any command line scripts and/or online tools that can reverse the effects of minification similar to how Tidy can clean up horrific HTML? (I'm specifically looking to unminify a minified JavaScript file, so variable renaming might still be an issue.) You can use this : http://jsbeautifier.org/ But it depends on the minify method you are using, this one only formats the code, it

Unminify / Decompress JavaScript的工具

是否有任何命令行脚本和/或在线工具可以扭转缩小的效果,类似于Tidy如何清理可怕的HTML? (我专门研究一个缩小的JavaScript文件,因此变量重命名可能仍然是一个问题。) 你可以使用这个:http://jsbeautifier.org/但它取决于你正在使用的minify方法,这个只对代码进行格式化,它不会改变变量名,也不会解压缩base62编码。 编辑:事实上,它可以解压缩“打包”的脚本(包装与迪安爱德华的包装:http://dean.edwards.name/pac

How to check file MIME type with javascript before upload?

I have read this and this questions which seems to suggest that the file MIME type could be checked using javascript on client side. Now, I understand that the real validation still has to be done on server side. I want to perform a client side checking to avoid unnecessary wastage of server resource. To test whether this can be done on client side, I changed the extension of a JPEG test file


我已经读过这个和这个问题,似乎表明文件的MIME类型可以在客户端使用JavaScript进行检查。 现在,我明白,真正的验证仍然需要在服务器端完成。 我想执行客户端检查以避免不必要的服务器资源浪费。 为了测试这是否可以在客户端完成,我将JPEG测试文件的扩展名更改为.png并选择要上传的文件。 在发送文件之前,我使用javascript控制台查询文件对象: document.getElementsByTagName('input')[0].files[0]; 这是我在Chrome 2

oAuth2 authentication on a JavaScript app

I'm planning to refactor a legacy Rails 2 app by splitting the logic into a RESTful API, and the view into a separate Javascript client. The API itself will be protected by oAuth2. This is basically the second option explained on this question: Separate REST JSON API server and client? There's a lot of questions out there concerning the security of using oAuth with a JS app, the mai


我打算通过将逻辑分解为RESTful API,并将视图分解为单独的Javascript客户端来重构遗留下来的Rails 2应用程序。 API本身将受oAuth2保护。 这基本上是解释这个问题的第二个选项: 单独的REST JSON API服务器和客户端? 关于在JS应用中使用oAuth的安全性存在很多问题,主要的担心似乎是,将访问令牌存储在客户端上是一个坏主意,因为它充当密码,并且有人可以物理访问电脑可以劫持用户的身份。 我读过的一个可能的解决方案

Testing PHP response in Ajax

I'm making a simple registration mechanism that stores username and password into a MySQL database. How it works: User enters his data into textboxes. The values get fetched and validation via JQuery script. If the validation is passed, an Ajax call is made to a PHP file that then checks if the Username has already been taken. If it's taken, it does echo '0' . If not, it


我正在制作一个简单的注册机制,将用户名和密码存储到MySQL数据库中。 怎么运行的: 用户将他的数据输入到文本框中。 通过JQuery脚本获取值和验证值。 如果验证通过,则会向PHP文件发出Ajax调用,然后检查用户名是否已被使用。 如果它被采用,它确实echo '0' 。 如果不是,它会echo '1'并将值插入到数据库中。 然后Jquery检查响应并执行适当的操作。 $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: "register.

files downloaded from google drive usin picker are corrupted

I'm using google picker in my web app to allow user to browse and select files from his google drive. Once he makes the selection, picker returns various data about selected files, including file ID and URL. My goal is to download the selected files to the server. If I pass the URL to my backend script, it download file but they are corrupted here is my code : callback function : functi


我在我的网络应用程序中使用谷歌选择器,允许用户浏览并从他的谷歌驱动器中选择文件。 一旦他做出选择,选择器就会返回关于选定文件的各种数据,包括文件ID和URL。 我的目标是将选定的文件下载到服务器。 如果我将URL传递给我的后端脚本,它会下载文件,但它们已损坏,这里是我的代码: 回调函数: function onPickerAction(data) { if (data.action === google.picker.Action.PICKED) { var id = data.docs[0]

302 Redirection with AJAX post request:

I'm implementing logout functionality for a web application. I have a function, which is called when the user clicks the sign out button. $.post(window.location.pathname + '/logout'); The logout service works only with post. What happens is: The 302 status is returned as expected with Location: http://myapp.com/logout.html Apparently the jquery ajax call just picks up from there and


我正在实现Web应用程序的注销功能。 我有一个函数,当用户点击注销按钮时会调用它。 $.post(window.location.pathname + '/logout'); 注销服务仅适用于邮局。 会发生什么是: 按照预期的方式返回302状态:位置:http://myapp.com/logout.html 显然,jquery ajax调用只是从那里启动,并立即向所述位置发出GET请求。 GET请求返回正确的html,但它返回AJAX样式,重定向页面不被浏览器加载 我想要发生的是: 按照预期

javascript addEventListener memory

如果我使用addEventListener在元素上注册一个事件,然后删除元素而不删除该事件,并且我反复这样做可以创建内存泄漏? It shouldn't leak. The one browser that's infamous for leaking like hell when an event handler causes a host-object<>JS-object loop is IE (up to version 7), and IE (up to version 8) doesn't support addEventListener . Leave this running and see how the browser's m

javascript addEventListener内存

如果我使用addEventListener在元素上注册一个事件,然后删除元素而不删除该事件,并且我反复这样做可以创建内存泄漏? 它不应该泄漏。 当一个事件处理程序导致主机对象<> JS对象循环是IE(高达版本7),IE(高达版本8)不支持addEventListener时,这个臭名昭着的浏览器就像地狱一样泄漏。 如果您想在特定的浏览器中测试浏览器,请保持此运行状态,并了解浏览器的内存使用情况是否会受到长期影响。 <div id="x">&l

Accessing custom reponse headers within REST proxy and/or store?

I've learned how to add custom headers to Ext-JS requests from this question: HTTP Headers with ExtJS 4 Stores And now I am trying to deal with the issue of exception handling when the problem is a user error. This question is dealt with here: Understanding REST: Verbs, error codes, and authentication One of the answers suggests mapping to the closest HTTP error code but then also us


我已经学会了如何为这个问题添加自定义头文件到Ext-JS请求中: 带有ExtJS 4商店的HTTP头 而现在,我正试图解决问题是用户错误时的异常处理问题。 这个问题在这里处理: 了解REST:动词,错误代码和认证 其中一个答案建议映射到最接近的HTTP错误代码,然后使用自定义响应头将异常信息传回客户端。 我强烈建议不要扩展基本的HTTP状态代码。 如果您找不到与您的情况完全匹配的人,请选择最接近的人并将错误详细信息放入