Handle multiple events in jQuery

Can I turn this:

$(document).bind("mousedown", function(){
    n = 1;

$(document).bind("mouseup", function(){
    n = 2;

$(document).bind("mousemove", function(){
    n = 3;

Into something like this:

$(document).bind("mousemove mouseup mousedown", function(e){
    if (e.event == mousemove){
        n = 3;

Adding more text because stackoverflow says my post contains mostly code

You can use event.type in your case e.type to determine what event it is.

$(document).bind("mousemove mouseup mousedown", function(e){
    if (e.type== "mousemove"){
        n = 3;

In your case e is already an event so there is no property called event on e

Well instead of trying to do this, with if statements to check the event:

$(document).bind("mousemove mouseup mousedown", function(e){
    if (e.type == mousemove){
        n = 3;
    } else if {
        //some code
    } ...   

You could simply:

$( document ).bind({
       mousemove: function() {
       n = 3;
       mouseup: function() {
       // Do something on mouseup
       mousedown: function() {
       // Do something on mousedown


Code is much cleaner and it should perform faster.

As shown on the JQuery API Documentation. http://api.jquery.com/bind/#multiple-events

链接地址: http://www.djcxy.com/p/96928.html

上一篇: 多个事件触发相同的功能,但具有不同的元素

下一篇: 在jQuery中处理多个事件