Many thanks in advance. I'm working out of a schoolbook and they're using one function to call another which opens a window: function rtest(){ content='dans window'; oneWindow=open("","Window 1","width=450,height=290"); newWindow(oneWindow); } function newWindow(x){ x.document.close();; x.document.write(content); x.document.close(); x.moveTo(20,
提前谢谢了。 我正在学习一本教科书,他们使用一个函数调用另一个函数打开一个窗口: function rtest(){ content='dans window'; oneWindow=open("","Window 1","width=450,height=290"); newWindow(oneWindow); } function newWindow(x){ x.document.close();; x.document.write(content); x.document.close(); x.moveTo(20,20); x.focus(); } 所以一切工作正常,但我的问题是
We have a lot of setup JS code that defines panels, buttons, etc that will be used in many other JS files. Typically, we do something like: grid.js var myGrid = ..... combos.js var myCombo = ..... Then, in our application code, we: application.js function blah() { myGrid.someMethod() } someother.js function foo() { myCombo.someMethod(); myGrid.someMethod(); } So, should
我们有很多设置JS代码,它们定义了面板,按钮等,这些代码将用于许多其他JS文件。 通常情况下,我们做类似的事情 grid.js var myGrid = ..... combos.js var myCombo = ..... 然后,在我们的应用程序代码中,我们: 的application.js function blah() { myGrid.someMethod() } someother.js function foo() { myCombo.someMethod(); myGrid.someMethod(); } 所以,我们应该使用var myGrid还是更好地使
When I click on the button, the first time, everything works fine, but the second time, nothing happens. Why is that? <form name="alert"><input type="text" name="hour"><input type="text" name="min"><input type="button" value="ok" onclick="budilnik(this.form)"> <script type="text/javascript"> function budilnik(form) { budilnik=1; min=form.min.value; hour=form.hour
当我点击按钮时,第一次,一切正常,但第二次,没有任何反应。 这是为什么? <form name="alert"><input type="text" name="hour"><input type="text" name="min"><input type="button" value="ok" onclick="budilnik(this.form)"> <script type="text/javascript"> function budilnik(form) { budilnik=1; min=form.min.value; hour=form.hour.value; alert (min+' '+hour+' '+budilnik); }
I am able to draw multiple polygon by using Google Draw manager. Now I am not able to select specific polygon from multiple polygon and delete and edit it. Also not able to get new array after edit or delete. My demo.js code is as follows : $ = { center: { latitude: 19.997454, longitude: 73.789803 }, zoom: 10, //mapTypeId: google.maps.MapTypeId.ROADMAP,
我可以使用Google Draw管理器绘制多个多边形。 现在我无法从多边形中选择特定的多边形并删除和编辑它。 编辑或删除后也无法获得新阵列。 我的demo.js代码如下: $ = { center: { latitude: 19.997454, longitude: 73.789803 }, zoom: 10, //mapTypeId: google.maps.MapTypeId.ROADMAP, //radius: 15000, stroke: { color: '#08B21F', weight: 2,
Possible Duplicate: Difference between using var and not using var in JavaScript Hello, I am a self learned developer. Always, i write javascripts without the var for variables. But some javascripts use var for variables. Both worked well for me. I am bit confused by this. Is Writing scripts with var a standard form or they used only within classes ? var limits the scope of a varia
可能重复: JavaScript中使用var和不使用var之间的区别 你好, 我是一位自学成才的开发者。 总是,我写的JavaScript没有var变量。 但是有些JavaScript使用var来表示变量。 两者对我都很好。 我有点困惑。 使用var标准形式编写脚本还是仅在类中使用? var将变量的范围限制为它声明的函数,如果你不使用var你创建一个全局变量。 全局趋向于导致难以维护并且受到竞争条件影响的代码。 除非你有一个非常好的理由
This question already has an answer here: What is the purpose of the var keyword and when should I use it (or omit it)? 18 answers They mean different things. If you use var the variable is declared within the scope you are in (eg of the function). If you don't use var , the variable bubbles up through the layers of scope until it encounters a variable by the given name or the global o
这个问题在这里已经有了答案: var关键字的用途是什么,什么时候应该使用它(或省略它)? 18个答案 他们的意思不同。 如果使用var则变量在您所在的范围内声明(例如函数)。 如果你没有使用var ,变量会遍历整个范围层,直到它通过给定名称或全局对象(如果你正在浏览器中执行它的话,窗口)遇到一个变量,然后它将附着在变量上。 它与全局变量非常相似。 但是,它仍然可以通过删除来delete (很可能由别人的代码也无
i am using windows 7 , IE 11 , with a web server dispatcher. Some of my ajax calls not even going to the back end a I do not see the xhr request in browser's network tab. Any help. $.ajax({ cache : false, url: serverUrl, dataType: 'json', type: 'POST', contentType : 'application/json', data : JSON.stringify(requestData), success: function( data){ //do something },
我正在使用Windows 7,IE 11和Web服务器调度程序。 我的一些Ajax调用甚至没有进入后端,我没有在浏览器的网络标签中看到xhr请求。 任何帮助。 $ .ajax({cache:false,url:serverUrl,dataType:'json',type:'POST',contentType:'application / json',data:JSON.stringify(requestData),success:function(data){/ / do something},error:function(errorThrown){console.log(erro
I'm having an issue where my call to $.ajax is completing successfully and returning content with a response of 200OK as reported by firebug, but the success,complete and error callbacks do not execute. This is only happening in firefox, in chrome it works fine (i am running firefox22). $.ajax(site_url+url+'/fetch_salt',{type:'POST',data:data,success:check_salt}); var group = ''; function
我遇到了一个问题,即我的对$ .ajax的调用正在成功完成,并且返回的内容的响应为200OK(由萤火虫报告),但成功,完成和错误回调不会执行。 这只发生在Firefox中,在Chrome中它工作正常(我正在运行firefox22)。 $.ajax(site_url+url+'/fetch_salt',{type:'POST',data:data,success:check_salt}); var group = ''; function check_salt(d) { console.log(d); 萤火虫报告的请求的实际响应为: choose_login:{"admin":"Ad
I cannot get this $.ajax function to work in Chrome. When I make the ajax request, a response is never returned. When I view this in Chrome dev tools, it states that the json request is still pending. So far, I have found suggestions to add these parameters to the options. '{type: "post", data: '', cache: false, async: false}' However, none of these options made i
我无法让这个$ .ajax函数在Chrome中工作。 当我发出ajax请求时,永远不会返回响应。 当我在Chrome开发工具中查看它时,它表示json请求仍在等待处理。 到目前为止,我已经找到了将这些参数添加到选项的建议。 '{type:“post”,data:'',cache:false,async:false}' 但是,这些选项都不能使它工作。 try { var o = {username: 'adobeedge', count: 4}; var twitterUrl
Here are two pages, test.php and testserver.php. test.php <script src="scripts/jq.js" type="text/javascript"></script> <script> $(function() { $.ajax({url:"testserver.php", success:function() { alert("Success"); }, error:function() { alert("Error"); }, dataType:"json",
这里有两个页面,test.php和testserver.php。 test.php的 <script src="scripts/jq.js" type="text/javascript"></script> <script> $(function() { $.ajax({url:"testserver.php", success:function() { alert("Success"); }, error:function() { alert("Error"); }, dataType:"json",