Is it possible, in any browser, using any plugin, to enable or disable breakpoints in your code programmatically? I already know about setting conditional breakpoints, but I'm really interested in setting them via code. First you could add a call to a function like __checkDebug(); which will check for a global (or semi-global) variable and when said variable is true, call debugger. f
是否可以在任何浏览器中使用任何插件来以编程方式启用或禁用代码中的断点? 我已经知道设置条件断点,但我真的很感兴趣通过代码设置它们。 首先,你可以添加一个函数调用__checkDebug(); 它将检查一个全局变量(或半全局变量),当所述变量为真时,调用调试器。 function __checkDebug() { if (debugme) debugger; } 你关心调试的所有功能都是这样的: function foo() { __checkDebug(); //.... whate
I have a page that sends an XHR request when a form is submitted and I would like to get Chrome to break when it receives a response. It seems like the best way to accomplish this would be if Chrome has a javascript function that I can call that breaks execution but I've been unable to find anything like that so far. Is there another solution? Edit : I don't actually have a callback
我有一个页面在提交表单时发送XHR请求,我希望Chrome在收到响应时中断。 这似乎是最好的方式来实现这一点,如果Chrome有一个JavaScript函数,我可以打电话,打破执行,但我一直无法找到类似的东西。 还有其他解决方案吗? 编辑 : 我实际上没有为请求定义回调,所以我不能以这种方式设置断点。 该请求正在与这行jQuery代码一起发送: $.post(this.action, $(this).serialize(), null, "script"); this是一个表单元素。
I have a variable contained in a quesrystring that I'm successfully retrieving into my aspx.vb code. I want to be able to pick that variable up in the main aspx page for use in javascript. However the aspx page doesn't see ther variable. I have made sure the variable is declared in the Public Class level and also ensured it's a Public variable As String. So what is going wrong?
我有一个quesrystring中包含的变量,我成功地将其检索到aspx.vb代码中。 我希望能够在主aspx页面中选择该变量以便在javascript中使用。 然而,aspx页面没有看到它的变量。 我已经确定变量是在公共类级别声明的,并且确保它是一个公共变量作为字符串。 那么到底发生了什么问题? 我也尝试直接检索查询字符串到aspx页面,但这似乎也不工作。 我在页面后面的代码的顶部看起来像这样: - Imports System.Data.SqlClien
I am having an IE not implemented JavaScript error and it seems not to have anything to do with what ive been reading on so far on this website. Im using jquery.simplemodal plugin which works fine in all browsers except IE unless I change the doctype to <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN"> IE is pointing the error to the first line of the following
我有一个IE浏览器没有实现JavaScript错误,似乎没有任何关系到目前为止在本网站上阅读的内容。 即时通讯使用jquery.simplemodal插件在除IE以外的所有浏览器中都能正常工作,除非我将doctype更改为 <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC“ - // W3C // DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional // EN”> IE将错误指向以下代码的第一行(我的意思是粗体): s.removeExpression( '高度'); s.removeExpression( '宽度');
I have a tree view control build dynamically. i want to change color of the selected node .one help me to write the script given below. and its work fine. <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script> <script type="text/javascript"> google.load("jquery", "1.4.2"); google.setOnLoadCallback(function() { //change cursor to hand when
我有一个动态的树视图控件构建。 我想改变所选节点的颜色。一个帮我写下面给出的脚本。 它的工作很好。 <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script> <script type="text/javascript"> google.load("jquery", "1.4.2"); google.setOnLoadCallback(function() { //change cursor to hand when user mouseover tree nodes $(".TreeView1_0").mouse
I have a drop down menu which I found a tutorial for. In Firefox and Opera the drop down menu works fine. But in Internet Explorer it doesn't work. The sub menues are misaligned. They aren't placed under their parent item but a bit more to the right. Why doesn't it work in IE? Is there a mistake in the JavaScript code which should make it work in IE? My users say it doesn
我有一个下拉菜单,我找到了一个教程。 在Firefox和Opera中,下拉菜单正常工作。 但在Internet Explorer中不起作用。 子派别错位。 他们不是放在他们的父母项下,而是放在右边。 为什么它不在IE中工作? JavaScript代码中的错误应该使它在IE中工作吗? 我的用户说它在IE 7.0.6002.18005和IE 8.0.6中不起作用。 怪癖模式只有在我认为文档缺失的情况下才会使用。 我的文档中有doctype(没有位置2的空格): <!D
So I've been reading up on this whole server set up in which Nginx is used in front of nodejs as a reverse proxy so that it serves the static content while allowing node to do the dynamic stuff. My question is, why would someone want to use the nginx front to reverse proxy to the websocket? If nginx serves the static content (HTML, CSS, JS, media, etc.) then can't the JS file that is se
因此,我一直在阅读整个服务器的设置,其中将Nginx作为nodejs使用,作为反向代理,以便在允许节点执行动态内容时提供静态内容。 我的问题是,为什么有人希望使用nginx前端将代理转换为websocket? 如果nginx提供静态内容(HTML,CSS,JS,媒体等),那么所提供的JS文件不能直接使用ip地址和websocket在nodejs中侦听的端口连接到服务器服务器? 为什么要通过nginx连接到服务器上的websocket? 还是我不清楚这种情况? 谢谢!
I am doing a network call every 15 seconds in my app, and if the users device battery percent is lower than 20%, than I would like to do the call every 30 seconds instead. How do I get the user's devices current battery level? Is it possible? Any help would be appreciated. Take a look at the Battery Status API. It doesn't work in all browsers, but it's a start. For browsers th
我在我的应用程序中每15秒钟进行一次网络通话,如果用户设备的电池电量百分比低于20%,则比我希望每30秒钟拨打一次电话。 如何获取用户设备当前的电池电量? 可能吗? 任何帮助,将不胜感激。 看看电池状态API。 它不适用于所有浏览器,但这是一个开始。 对于支持它的浏览器,应该这样工作: navigator.getBattery().then(function(battery) { battery.addEventListener('levelchange', function() { // Do
I am using a large JS library to perform certain drawing operations in canvas. Reviewing the library code (to make accommodating changes), I have ran into the '||' operator being used in a fashion which certainly should not evaluate to Boolean. Does this mean that this is a different operator or am I missing something obvious? An example follows: var $time = || function(){ r
我正在使用一个大的JS库在画布中执行某些绘图操作。 回顾库代码(以适应变化),我遇到了'||' 运算符的使用方式当然不应该评估为布尔值。 这是否意味着这是一个不同的操作员,还是我错过了明显的东西? 一个例子如下: var $time = || function(){ return +new Date; }; || 如果可以将其转换为真或最后一个操作数,则操作符求值为第一个操作数。 因此,在你的例子中, $time将会是Date.now如果存在的话
I'm trying to write a jQuery plugin that will provide additional functions/methods to the object that calls it. All the tutorials I read online (have been browsing for the past 2 hours) include, at the most, how to add options, but not additional functions. Here's what I am looking to do: //format div to be a message container by calling the plugin for that div $("#mydiv").messagePl
我正在尝试编写一个jQuery插件,它将为调用它的对象提供附加的函数/方法。 我在线阅读的所有教程(浏览过去2小时)至多包括如何添加选项,但不包括其他功能。 以下是我期待做的事情: //通过调用该div的插件将div格式化为一个消息容器 $("#mydiv").messagePlugin(); $("#mydiv").messagePlugin().saySomething("hello"); 或类似的规定。 下面是它的归结:我调用插件,然后我调用与该插件关联的函数。 我似乎无法找到一