Change a single variable with less.js

I am trying to use less.js to make modifications to a less stylesheet for demonstration purposes. What I would like it to do is remember previous changes so I only have to send a single change each time for efficiency. Let's say I have the following: @PrimaryColor: #FFF; @SecondaryColor: #000; If I change one parameter, it works fine. less.modifyVars({ "@PrimaryColor": "#ff0000" }); The


为了演示目的,我试图使用less.js对较少的样式表进行修改。 我想要做的是记住以前的更改,所以我只需每次发送一次更改以提高效率。 假设我有以下几点: @PrimaryColor: #FFF; @SecondaryColor: #000; 如果我更改了一个参数,它工作正常。 less.modifyVars({ "@PrimaryColor": "#ff0000" }); 颜色现在看起来像这样: @PrimaryColor: #ff0000; @SecondaryColor: #000; 现在,如果我再次调用该方法: less.modifyVars({ "@S


I included in my project angular-google-maps. I want a map where the user can click on it and add a new marker. I found this snippet on the web: and I tried to do the same: Here is the function that declare the map: function drawMapLocation(lat, lon){ uiGmapGoogleMapApi.then(function (maps) { $scope.mapPoi = { center: {


我包含在我的项目angular-google-maps中。 我想要一个地图,用户可以点击它并添加一个新的标记。 我在网上发现了这个代码片段:我试图做同样的事情:这里是声明地图的函数: function drawMapLocation(lat, lon){ uiGmapGoogleMapApi.then(function (maps) { $scope.mapPoi = { center: { latitude: lat, longitude: lon }, zoom

Google maps custom overlay click event

I have integrated google maps into an ionic project and have applied a custom overlay to appear above the map marker to display the address of the marker location. I have applied a click event listener to the map to detect any clicks and then clear and reapply a new marker for the new location. So far so good. I have applied ng-click attribute to the overlay div to then execute some code. Th


我已将谷歌地图整合到离子项目中,并已应用自定义叠加层显示在地图标记上方以显示标记位置的地址。 我已将点击事件侦听器应用于地图以检测任何点击,然后清除并重新应用新位置的新标记。 到现在为止还挺好。 我已经将ng-click属性应用于覆盖div,然后执行一些代码。 这也适用。 我遇到的问题是,当点击叠加div时,ng-click和map点击事件侦听器都会触发,移动标记。 我只想要div侦听器启动,但似乎无法实现这一点。 我在

Google Maps API v3 : Click events not triggered in firefox for custom marker

have created a map that I'm trying to have function similar to 'My Maps'. I have two dropdownlists on the right side, based on the selection in those ddl's, you can add a custom marker / icon. You select a marker type, then click the '+' button in the top right corner of the map, and then click where you want the marker added. My issue is, this works fine in IE, Safari,

Google Maps API v3:单击未在Firefox中触发自定义标记的事件

已经创建了一个地图,我尝试使用类似于“我的地图”的功能。 根据这些ddl中的选择,我在右侧有两个下拉列表,您可以添加自定义标记/图标。 您选择一种标记类型,然后单击地图右上角的“+”按钮,然后单击添加标记的位置。 我的问题是,这在IE,Safari和Chrome中运行正常,但不是在Firefox中。 点击事件似乎不会触发。 以下是地图的位置: 在右上角添加标记的按钮

Autocomplete von available CSS classes in HTML JavaScript jQuery in Eclipse

I am using the latest Eclipse version. Right now I am coding with Javascript, jQuery, HTML, and CSS. How do I get autocomplete (show all available classes defined in CSS) for classes, which I have defined in CSS, displayed in HTML? I have a class called "display" in my CSS file. file.css: .display { background:green; } How to get the display class suggested with autocompletion ?

Autocomplete von HTML中可用的CSS类JavaScript中的jQuery在Eclipse中

我正在使用最新的Eclipse版本。 现在我使用Javascript,jQuery,HTML和CSS进行编码。 我如何获得自动完成(显示CSS中定义的所有可用类),这些类是我在CSS中定义的,以HTML格式显示的? 我的CSS文件中有一个名为“display”的类。 file.css: .display { background:green; } 如何使用自动完成获得显示类别? HTML: 我需要什么样的插件/插件? 与Eclipse安装捆绑在一起的缺省WTP插件不支持这一点。 你将不得不安装

Get the ref present in child component in the parent component

I'm not trying to do anything hacky using refs. I just need the ref to the element because the element is a canvas, and to draw on a canvas you need its ref. class Parent extends Component { clickDraw = () => { // when button clicked, get the canvas context and draw on it. // how? } render() { return ( <div> <button onClick={this.clickDraw}> D


我没有试图做任何hacky使用refs。 我只需要元素的ref,因为元素是一个画布,并且在画布上绘制需要它的参考。 class Parent extends Component { clickDraw = () => { // when button clicked, get the canvas context and draw on it. // how? } render() { return ( <div> <button onClick={this.clickDraw}> Draw </button> <Child /> </div&g

Using CDN vs Installing library by NPM

Though, I have been using NPM, but I do not understand how the files in the node_modules are added to my index.html and work from there. For Example, if I have to use jQuery, its so simple. I will get the file through cdn and add in my index.html file CASE I: CDN <script src=""></script> <html> <head&


虽然,我一直在使用NPM,但我不明白node_modules中的文件是如何添加到我的index.html并从那里开始工作的。 例如,如果我必须使用jQuery,它非常简单。 我将通过cdn获取文件并添加到我的index.html文件中 案例一:CDN <script src=""></script> <html> <head> <script src="

Selecting element at coordinates in SVG

So, I have a SVG that was exported from Adobe Illustrator (the illustrator file is no longer available). I also have a csv with data and coordinates (x1, y1,x2, y2) . I've ctrl+f 'd for these values in the SVG and none of them are in there. My guess is this is because adobe illustrator moved everything (although I could be wrong). My question is if there's a way, using d3 or some


所以,我有一个从Adobe Illustrator导出的SVG(插画文件不再可用)。 我也有一个csv的数据和坐标(x1, y1,x2, y2) 。 我已经为SVG中的这些值提供了ctrl+f f'd,并且它们都不在其中。 我的猜测是这是因为Adobe Illustrator移动了所有东西(虽然我可能是错的)。 我的问题是,如果有一种方法,使用d3或其他库来获取给定坐标上的元素(或元素,我知道SVG是多层的)。 我的目标是使用CSV的数据来生成工具提示。 当用户将鼠

what types of SVG files fabricJS support?

I use the following code to add SVG files to canvas with FabricJS: fabric.loadSVGFromURL(stampURL, function (objects, options) { var obj = fabric.util.groupSVGElements(objects, options); obj.set({ fill: stampColor, left: stampX, top: stampY, scaleY: stampScale, scaleX: stampScale, originX: 'center', originY: 'center', ha


我使用下面的代码在FabricJS上添加SVG文件到画布上: fabric.loadSVGFromURL(stampURL, function (objects, options) { var obj = fabric.util.groupSVGElements(objects, options); obj.set({ fill: stampColor, left: stampX, top: stampY, scaleY: stampScale, scaleX: stampScale, originX: 'center', originY: 'center', hasControls: false,

Inkscape: SVG to PDF removes groups

I've made a SVG generator using SVG.js, which creates over 100 Path elements, all of them placed in 6 different groups. The resulting SVG file opened with Adobe Illustrator shows the groups ok. However, I'm using Inkscape in command-line (required for automation process) to convert the SVG file to PDF. inkscape --file=input.svg --export-area-drawing --without-gui --export-pdf=output.


我使用SVG.js创建了一个SVG生成器,它创建了100多个Path元素,它们都放置在6个不同的组中。 用Adobe Illustrator打开的结果SVG文件显示组合正常。 但是,我在命令行中使用Inkscape(自动化进程需要)将SVG文件转换为PDF。 inkscape --file=input.svg --export-area-drawing --without-gui --export-pdf=output.pdf 生成的PDF文件的所有Path元素都在同一级别上,没有任何种类的组/图层,这对我的项目是强制性的。 Inkscap