Is there a technical difference between "=" and "<

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Assignment operators in R: '=' and '<-'

I was wondering if there is a technical difference between the assignment operators "=" and "<-" in R. So, does it make any difference if I use:

Example 1: a = 1 or a <- 1

Example 2: a = c(1:20) or a <- c(1:20)

Thanks for your help


Yes there is. This is what the help page of '=' says:

The operators <- and = assign into the environment in which they are evaluated. The operator <- can be used anywhere, whereas the operator = is only allowed at the top level (eg, in the complete expression typed at the command prompt) or as one of the subexpressions in a braced list of expressions.

With "can be used" the help file means assigning an object here. In a function call you can't assign an object with = because = means assigning arguments there.

Basically, if you use <- then you assign a variable that you will be able to use in your current environment. For example, consider:


This just makes a 2 row matrix. Now consider:


This also gives you a two row matrix, but now we also have an object called nrow which evaluates to 2! What happened is that in the second use we didn't assign the argument nrow 2, we assigned an object nrow 2 and send that to the second argument of matrix , which happens to be nrow.


As for the edited questions. Both are the same. The use of = or <- can cause a lot of discussion as to which one is best. Many style guides advocate <- and I agree with that, but do keep spaces around <- assignments or they can become quite hard to interpret. If you don't use spaces (you should, except on twitter), I prefer = , and never use -> !

But really it doesn't matter what you use as long as you are consistent in your choice. Using = on one line and <- on the next results in very ugly code.


上一篇: C#中初始化和赋值有什么区别

下一篇: “=”和“<”之间是否存在技术差异?