How can I sort arrays and data in PHP?

Due to the enormous and ever repeating amount of "How do I sort my unique snowflake of an array?" questions, this is a reference collection of basic sorting methods in PHP. Please close any question which does not markedly differ as a duplicate of this one. How do I sort an array in PHP? How do I sort a complex array in PHP? How do I sort an array of objects in PHP? Basic one


由于“我如何对我独特的阵列雪花进行分类?”这样庞大而重复的数量? 问题,这是PHP中基本排序方法的参考集合。 请关闭任何与本文无重复区别的问题。 我如何在PHP中对数组进行排序? 我如何在PHP中排序复杂的数组? 如何在PHP中对一组对象进行排序? 基本的一维数组; 含。 多维数组,包括 对象数组; 含。 基于另一个排序一个数组 用SPL排序 稳定的排序 有关使用PHP现有函数的实际答案,请参阅1.有关排序算法

PHP practical advantages for using echo over print

Possible Duplicate: Reference: Comparing PHP's print and echo I am wondering about the practical and real advantages and reasons for using echo instead of print to write output to the screen. In many areas of my code I have this sort of thing: PRINT("<b>".$course_id."</b>"); I understand that print returns a value whereas echo doesn't, however i'm interested to kno


可能重复: 参考:比较PHP的打印和回显 我想知道使用echo而不是print来将输出写入屏幕的实际优点和原因。 在我的代码的很多领域,我有这样的事情: PRINT("<b>".$course_id."</b>"); 我明白, print返回一个值,而echo没有,但是我有兴趣知道是否有任何真正的理由来代替我的代码中的实例(并且有一些遗憾)用echo print ? 在这种情况下使用print是否是不好的做法,或者是否有避免使用print理由和好处?

diference between return , echo and print keyword in PHP

What is the difference between these three? return , echo and print keyword in PHP function theBand($abc,$bac) { return $abc; echo $abc; } Both does the same, it does show or return me the value holding in the variable abc. Now return exists the function and echo continues. Apart from this is there anything specific on return keyword. return is a language construct used to exit a functi


这三者有什么区别? 在PHP中返回,回显和打印关键字 function theBand($abc,$bac) { return $abc; echo $abc; } 两者都是相同的,它显示或返回变量abc中的值。 现在返回存在函数并且echo继续。 除此之外,还有关于return关键字的任何特定内容。 return是一种语言结构,用于退出函数并给函数的调用者一个值。 echo和print都是输出字符串的语言结构。 主要区别在于echo可以采用逗号分隔多个参数,但print只接受一个参

How are echo and print different in PHP?

Possible Duplicate: Reference: Comparing PHP's print and echo Is there any major and fundamental difference between these two functions in PHP? From: Speed. There is a difference between the two, but speed-wise it should be irrelevant which one you use. echo is marginally faster since i


可能重复: 参考:比较PHP的打印和回显 这两个函数在PHP中有什么重大和根本的区别? 来自: 速度。 两者之间存在差异,但速度方面,它应该与你使用哪一个无关。 回声稍快,因为如果你真的想回到基本的话,它不会设置返回值。 表达。 print()行为像一个函数,你可以这样做: $ret = print "Hello World&quo

List of countries and their states in wordpress

Where is the list of countries and states located in wordpress? When you select United States on a checkout form the "state" field immediately changes to contain the list of states. I would like to imitate this behavior for other countries. For example when selecting Honduras, you will get the list of states of that country. Is there an XML file, php file or Database table where Wo


位于wordpress的国家和州的名单在哪里? 当您在结帐单上选择美国时,“状态”字段将立即更改为包含状态列表。 我想模仿其他国家的这种行为。 例如,在选择洪都拉斯时,您将获得该国家的州名单。 有没有一个XML文件,PHP文件或数据库表的WordPress的访问此信息? 这样就可以编辑添加状态而无需添加插件或编写额外的代码。 我知道你可以通过WC()->countries->get_states从代码中访问列表,它从哪里获得? 有一个名为

Getting visitors country from their IP

I want to get visitors country via their IP... Right now I'm using this ( ) Here is my code: <?php if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_CLIENT_IP'])) { $real_ip_adress = $_SERVER['HTTP_CLIENT_IP']; } if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR'])) { $real_ip_adress = $_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR']; } else { $real_ip_adress = $_SERVER['REMOTE_


我想通过他们的IP获取访问者国家...现在我使用这个( = ......) 这是我的代码: <?php if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_CLIENT_IP'])) { $real_ip_adress = $_SERVER['HTTP_CLIENT_IP']; } if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR'])) { $real_ip_adress = $_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR']; } else { $real_ip_adress = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; } $cip = $real_ip

party cookies with iframe into safari. P3p header is not supported

I am facing a problem in safari. i can't set third-party cookies or Session with iframe into safari. I tried p3p header but its not working. ... its working in IE below the header scripts .... header('P3P: CP="NOI ADM DEV COM NAV OUR STP"'); header('P3P: CP="CAO PSA OUR"'); header('P3P: CP="IDC DSP COR CURa ADMa OUR IND PHY ONL COM STA"'); header('P3P:CP="IDC DSP COR ADM DEVi TAIi PSA P

带有iframe的派对cookie进入safari。 不支持P3p标头

我在safari中遇到问题。 我无法将第三方Cookie或Session与iframe设置为Safari。 我试过p3p头,但没有工作。 它在IE中工作 在标题脚本下方.... header('P3P: CP="NOI ADM DEV COM NAV OUR STP"'); header('P3P: CP="CAO PSA OUR"'); header('P3P: CP="IDC DSP COR CURa ADMa OUR IND PHY ONL COM STA"'); header('P3P:CP="IDC DSP COR ADM DEVi TAIi PSA PSD IVAi IVDi CONi HIS OUR IND CNT"'); header('P3P: CP=HONK'); h

Third party cookies and facebook app inside an iframe, getUser fails

I have this problem that is driving me crazy, I hope it will help also anybody that got to my point. After reading a lot, apparently all the "hacks" of the past (including the p3p headers) do not work anymore on safari after the next update, so I rewrote everything to append a session id inside a GET, all is fine, apart that apparently without third party cookies facebook do not work


我有这个让我疯狂的问题,我希望它也能帮助任何能够解决我的问题的人。 看了很多后,显然过去的所有“黑客”(包括p3p头文件)在下次更新后都不再适用于safari了,所以我重写了所有内容以在GET内添加会话ID,一切都很好,除此之外显然没有第三方cookie facebook不再工作: $user = $facebook->getUser(); var_dump($user); 这会返回预期的结果,第三方cookies被激活,而返回int(0)没有激活cookie,为什么? 有

Push notifications from linux for iOS apps via SSL with PHP

Do you know how to sent push notifications to IOS app from php? It's best answer for somebody But it doesn't work: $production = 0; $passphrase = "kaka"; $deviceToken = "bf38e156 29adac02 6b9b2ec6 35aa4381 df90df65 8238a13c d7f55261 798c3923"; $message = "Hel


你知道如何发送推送通知到iOS应用程序从PHP? 对于某人来说这是最好的答案 但它不起作用: $production = 0; $passphrase = "kaka"; $deviceToken = "bf38e156 29adac02 6b9b2ec6 35aa4381 df90df65 8238a13c d7f55261 798c3923"; $message = "Hello people! What are you doing?";

iOSpush notification return code 102

I'm running push notification form server to my iphone. ... ... // Encode the payload as JSON $payload = json_encode($body); // Build the binary notification $msg = chr(0) . pack('n', 32) . pack('H*', $deviceToken) . pack('n', strlen($payload)) . $payload; $result = fwrite($fp, $msg, strlen($msg)); when I echo $result. I shown "102". What do


我运行推送通知表单服务器到我的iphone。 ...... //将有效载荷编码为JSON $ payload = json_encode($ body); //构建二进制通知 $ msg = chr(0)。 包('n',32)。 包('H *',$ deviceToken)。 pack('n',strlen($ payload))。 $有效载荷; $ result = fwrite($ fp,$ msg,strlen($ msg)); 当我回声$结果。 我展示了“102”。 这是什么意思? 1xx信息 **102 Processing