Difference between && and and operator in PHP

This question already has an answer here: 'AND' vs '&&' as operator 10 answers "&&" has a greater precedence than "and" // The result of the expression (true && false) is assigned to $g // Acts like: ($g = (true && false)) $g = true && false; // The constant true is assigned to $h and then false is ignored // Acts l


这个问题在这里已经有了答案: 'AND'和'&&'作为操作符10的答案 “&&”的优先级高于“和” // The result of the expression (true && false) is assigned to $g // Acts like: ($g = (true && false)) $g = true && false; // The constant true is assigned to $h and then false is ignored // Acts like: (($h = true) and false) $h = true and false; var_dump(

PHP operator difference && and "and"

Possible Duplicate: 'AND' vs '&&' as operator Sorry for very basic question but I started learning PHP just a week ago & couldn't find an answer to this question on google/stackoverflow. I went through below program: $one = true; $two = null; $a = isset($one) && isset($two); $b = isset($one) and isset($two); echo $a.'<br>'; echo $b; Its outpu


可能重复: 'AND'和'&&'作为运算符 对不起,基本的问题,但我开始学习PHP只是一个星期前,并找不到在谷歌/ stackoverflow这个问题的答案。 我经历了下面的程序: $one = true; $two = null; $a = isset($one) && isset($two); $b = isset($one) and isset($two); echo $a.'<br>'; echo $b; 它的输出是: false true 我读&& /和是一样的。 两者的结果有何不同? 有人

Why should I use bitwise/bitmask in PHP?

I am working on a user-role / permission system in PHP for a script. Below is a code using a bitmask method for permissions that I found on phpbuilder.com. Below that part is a much simpler version w3hich could do basicly the same thing without the bit part. Many people have recommended using bit operators and such for settings and other things in PHP, I have never understood why though. I

为什么我应该在PHP中使用bitwise / bitmask?

我正在为脚本开发PHP中的用户角色/权限系统。 以下是我在phpbuilder.com上找到的使用位掩码方法的代码。 在这部分下面是一个简单得多的版本,它可以在没有位部分的情况下基本完成同样的事情。 许多人建议在PHP中使用位运算符等来设置和其他内容,但我从来没有理解为什么。 在下面的代码中,使用第一个代码而不是第二个代码有什么好处 ? <?php /** * Correct the variables stored in array. * @param integer

PHP different usage of reference sign &

I have a question regarding the different usage of & in the following two examples: $x = &$b; // which I know what it does But what about this one: $x &= get_instance(); &= is the "bitwise and"-assignment operator. In PHP $a &= $b; is the same as $a = $a & $b; "bitwise and" means that two corresponding bits of two arguments are evaluated using


我在以下两个示例中有关于&的不同用法的问题: $x = &$b; // which I know what it does 但是这个怎么样: $x &= get_instance(); &=是“按位和”分配运算符。 在PHP中 $a &= $b; 是相同的 $a = $a & $b; “按位和”意味着使用和运算符评估两个参数的两个相应位。 如果参数不是整数,则首先将其转换为整数值。 有关详细信息,请参阅php手册。

What is the point of assigning by reference?

This question already has an answer here: How does the “&” operator work in a PHP function? 4 answers here's some examples: Making aliases for very long variables $config = array( 'developers' => => array( 'emails' => array() ), ); $dev_emails = &$config['developers']['emails']; $dev_emails[] = 'email1@tld.com'; $dev_emails[] = 'email2@tld.com'; $de


这个问题在这里已经有了答案: “&”运算符如何在PHP函数中工作? 4个答案 这里有一些例子: 为非常长的变量制作别名 $config = array( 'developers' => => array( 'emails' => array() ), ); $dev_emails = &$config['developers']['emails']; $dev_emails[] = 'email1@tld.com'; $dev_emails[] = 'email2@tld.com'; $dev_emails[] = 'email3@tld.com'; 用不同的名称命名单个值 $resul

Why should I need "&"?

See example on the web about the PHP Factory Pattern. In the line $kind =& Vehicle::category($wheel); , why should I to use & ? The code: <?php class Vehicle { function category($wheel = 0) { if ($wheel == 2) { return "Motor"; } elseif($wheel == 4) { return "Car"; } } } class Spec {


查看网上有关PHP工厂模式的示例。 在行$kind =& Vehicle::category($wheel); ,为什么我要使用& ? 代码: <?php class Vehicle { function category($wheel = 0) { if ($wheel == 2) { return "Motor"; } elseif($wheel == 4) { return "Car"; } } } class Spec { var $wheel = ''; fun

What Does the & (ampersand) symbol mean in this circumstance?

I'm new to php and mysql. Im following a tutorial from phpacademy on youtube. There is a section that is of form data, but everyone who followed the tutorial (myself included) got undefined index errors. I fixed it with & (ampersand) symbol. But what does it do in the follow circumstances?? Why does putting the & symbol in front of the $ stop the error? Is it the same as @ and i


我是新来的PHP和MySQL。 我在YouTube上遵循phpacademy的教程。 有一部分是表单数据,但每个跟随本教程的人(包括我自己)都有未定义的索引错误。 我用& (&符号)符号固定它。 但是在以下情况下它有什么作用? 为什么将$符号放在$前停止错误? 它是否与@相同,是只是抑制了错误还是实际修复了错误? $submit = &$_POST['submit']; 这意味着不是将值分配给$submit ,而是将值的引用赋值给$submit 。 如果您熟

Real example of "=&" usage

This question already has an answer here: What do the “=&” and “&=” operators in PHP mean? 2 answers Here's a very simple example. You are assigning the reference of $var1 to $var2 , so when you change $var2 , $var1 value changes. <?php $var1 = 10; $var2 = 20; $var2 = &$var1; $var2 = 200; echo $var1; // 200; Suppose some user defined function manipulate a string: funct


这个问题在这里已经有了答案: PHP中的“=&”和“&=”运算符是什么意思? 2个答案 这是一个非常简单的例子。 您将$var1的引用分配给$var2 ,因此当您更改$var2 , $var1值会发生更改。 <?php $var1 = 10; $var2 = 20; $var2 = &$var1; $var2 = 200; echo $var1; // 200; 假设一些用户定义的函数处理一个字符串: function test($string){ $string.='bar'; return $string; } 在这种情况下,您必须将函数

PHP equals and operators

Possible Duplicates: Reference - What does this symbol mean in PHP? what do “=&” / “&=” operators in php mean? Sorry guys I feel like I'm asking too simple of a question but what is =& in PHP? I tried to use this group function with ACL in Cakephp... You use =& when you want to assign a variable by reference. For more information see http://php.net/manual/en/language


可能重复: 参考 - 这个符号在PHP中的含义是什么? php中的“=&”/“&=”运算符是什么意思? 对不起,我觉得我要求的问题太简单了,但在PHP中是什么=&? 我试图在Cakephp中使用ACL的ACL功能... 当您想要通过引用分配变量时,可以使用=& 。 欲了解更多信息,请参阅http://php.net/manual/en/language.references.php。 例: $a = array(1, 2, 3); // $b is a reference to $a. // If you change $a or $b, the val

What does the PHP operator =& mean?

Possible Duplicate: What do the "=&" and "&=" operators in PHP mean? I found the operator "=&" in the following code, and I do not know what it means. What does it mean and what does it do? The code where I read it : function ContentParseRoute($segments) { $vars = array(); //Get the active menu item $menu =& JSite::getMenu(); $i


可能重复: PHP中的“=&”和“&=”运算符是什么意思? 我在下面的代码中找到了运算符“=&”,我不知道它是什么意思。 这是什么意思?它有什么作用? 我读的代码 : function ContentParseRoute($segments) { $vars = array(); //Get the active menu item $menu =& JSite::getMenu(); $item =& $menu->getActive(); // Count route segments $count = count($segments); ....