Why is === faster than == in PHP?


因为等号运算符==强制或暂时转换数据类型,以查看它是否与另一个操作数相等,而=== (身份运算符)不需要进行任何转换,因此工作量减少,从而使其更快。

===不执行类型转换,因此0 == '0'计算结果为true ,但是0 === '0'false

First, === checks to see if the two arguments are the same type - so the number 1 and the string '1' fails on the type check before any comparisons are actually carried out. On the other hand, == doesn't check the type first and goes ahead and converts both arguments to the same type and then does the comparison.

Therefore, === is quicker at checking a fail condition

链接地址: http://www.djcxy.com/p/984.html

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