How do I declare a function parameter to accept functions that throw?

I have defined a function in Kotlin:

fun convertExceptionToEmpty(requestFunc: () -> List<Widget>): Stream<Widget> {
    try {
        return requestFunc().stream()
    } catch (th: Throwable) {
        // Log the exception...
        return Stream.empty()

I have defined a Java method with this signature:

List<Widget> getStaticWidgets() throws IOException;

I attempt to compose them like so:

Stream<Widget> widgets = convertExceptionToEmpty(() ->  getStaticWidgets())

When I compile I get this error:

Error:(ln, col) java: unreported exception; must be caught or declared to be thrown

How do I define my function parameters to accept a function that throws?

The problem is that Java has checked exceptions but Kotlin does not. The requestFunc parameter type () -> List<Widget> will be mapped to the functional interface Function0<List<Widget>> but the operator invoke doesn't throw a checked exception in Kotlin code.

So you can't call the getStaticWidgets() in lambda expression since it throws a IOException which is a checked exception in Java.

Since you control both the Kotlin and Java code, the simplest solution is to change the parameter type () -> List<Widget> to Callable<List<Widget>> , for example:

// change the parameter type to `Callable` ---v
fun convertExceptionToEmpty(requestFunc: Callable<List<Widget>>): Stream<Widget> {
    try {
        //                 v--- get the `List<Widget>` from `Callable`
    } catch (th: Throwable) {
        return Stream.empty()

Then you can use Method Reference Expression in Java8 as further, for example:

Stream<Widget> widgets = convertExceptionToEmpty(this::getStaticWidgets);

//OR if `getStaticWidgets` is static `T` is the class belong to
//                                               v
Stream<Widget> widgets = convertExceptionToEmpty(T::getStaticWidgets);


 Stream<Integer> widgets = convertExceptionToEmpty(() -> {
        try {
            return getStaticWidgets();
        } catch (IOException e) {

        return null;

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