How to convert a PDF image or an image to text using Tesseract and/or Poppler?

Python 3.6.1 Mac OSX

Regarding Tesseract, I have tried so many different sample/template codes I have found online for PDF -> Text and Image -> Text. None of them seem to work.

Please let me know if you know of a code that works or a website with a good tutorial for either Tesseract, Poppler, or both.

Pytesser seems outdated. Magick seems to be a windows only program. Wand does not seem to help either.

Tesseract-OCR is what I am trying to use but I have no idea how to set up a code for it and cannot find a good tutorial that works. I can only find install tutorials.

I can use Poppler for PDF->Text , but have come across PDF images that I need to extract. I assume I need a separate code for taking the PDF and turning it into an image file and then a code for turning the image to a text file (Teseseract). Or I could use Poppler's PDFImage, which I do not know how to code for (help here would be very much appreciated as well).

My code for Poppler PDF to Text is:

import csv, re, requests, subprocess, sys

url = (

r = requests.get(url, headers={'user-agent': 'Mozilla/5.0'})

filename = url.split('/')[-1].replace('%20', ' ')
with open(filename, 'wb') as fh:
    fh.write(r.content)['pdftotext', '-layout', filename])

writer = csv.writer(sys.stdout)
with open(filename[:-3] + 'txt') as fh:
    text =
    for line in re.findall('(?m)^d.+d$', text):
        writer.writerow(re.split(r' {3,}', line))

And it works great.

I cannot figure out how to format Poppler's PDFImage though.

Additionally, how would I implement something like this in Tesseract, since it is one of the best OCRs?


上一篇: PIL导入图像和pytesser导入时出错

下一篇: 如何使用Tesseract和/或Poppler将PDF图像或图像转换为文本?