static function pointer in a class constructor

I get the following compiler error when I used non-static function pointer in the constructor argument at myclass_2, void load (void) method.

Reference to non-static member function must be called

If I change the function to static void load (void) no error. but I need to have non-static function, I have to work on some global variable in load function. Any help would be appreciate it.

class myclass{
    vector<Function> _handler_one;
    vector<Function> _handler_two;
    vector<Function> _handler_three;

    void register_for_load_event(void(*fun)(void)){

    void register_for_dowork_event(void(*fun)(void)){
    void register_for_end_event(void(*fun)(void)){
    void run (char **fileNames)
        for (int i = 0; i< _handler_one.size();i++)

        for (int i = 0; i< _handler_two.size();i++)

        for (int i = 0; i< _handler_three.size();i++)


class myclass_2
    myclass *ptrmyclass;
    void load(void)
        cout << "load function start" << endl;

        //some code here
    myclass_2(myclass *_ptrmyclass)
        ptrmyclass = _ptrmyclass;

    void foo(vector<string> vect)
        cout<< "is stop word called" << endl;

Is this what you need?


  • I dont see what Function is in the question so I assume that to be std::function<void()> .
  • input of register_for_load_event should be a valid function object, so it needs a bind .

  • using namespace std;
    class myclass{
        typedef std::function<void()> Function; // -------- #1
        vector<Function> _handler_one;
        vector<Function> _handler_two;
        vector<Function> _handler_three;
        void register_for_load_event(Function fun){
        void register_for_dowork_event(Function fun){
        void register_for_end_event(Function fun){
        void run (char **fileNames)
            for (int i = 0; i< _handler_one.size();i++)
            for (int i = 0; i< _handler_two.size();i++)
            for (int i = 0; i< _handler_three.size();i++)
    class myclass_2
        myclass *ptrmyclass;
        void load(void)
            cout << "load function start" << endl;
            //some code here
        myclass_2(myclass *_ptrmyclass)
            ptrmyclass = _ptrmyclass;
            ptrmyclass->register_for_load_event(bind(&myclass_2::load, this)); // -------- #2
        void foo(vector<string> vect)
            cout<< "is stop word called" << endl;

    Make sure Function is std::function<void()> , then change register_for_load_event to take a Function instead of what it takes now. Finally, call it like this:

    ptrmyclass->register_for_load_event(std::bind(&myclass_2::load, this));

    std::bind() is needed because Function is nullary (takes no arguments), but myclass_2::load() requires one argument: the implicit this (because it is non-static, so requires an instance of myclass_2 . "Binding" the member function allows you to provide the this pointer at bind-time, but delay calling the function until later, when no arguments will be required.


    上一篇: 任务和线程有什么区别?

    下一篇: 类构造函数中的静态函数指针