Effect of assigning JavaScript function to variable

Possible Duplicate:
JavaScript: var functionName = function() {} vs function functionName() {}

In JavaScript, I can define a function and assign it to a variable:

var myVar = function myFunc(){};

or define the function standalone:

function myFunc(){};

What are the use cases for the first approach?

functions declared to variables are not hoisted to the top of the scope

function run() {

   fn1(); // logs "hi"
   fn2(); // error

   function fn1 () { console.log("hi"); }
   var fn2 = function () { console.log("hi again"); };    


See this previous related answer. Are named functions or anonymous functions preferred in JavaScript?

This will end up looking similar to this after the parse runs through it

function run() {

       function fn1 () { console.log("hi"); }
       var fn2;

       fn1(); // logs "hi"
       fn2(); // error

       fn2 = function () { console.log("hi again"); };    

链接地址: http://www.djcxy.com/p/96296.html

上一篇: var functionName = function(){} vs function functionName(){}

下一篇: 将JavaScript函数分配给变量的影响