How see maven check style plugin reports in Intellij Idea?

I have maven project with maven-checkstyle-plugin. After maven build I want to see all checkstyle errors (may be in html page). I install Sonar plugin to Idea, but what next? I can not any window or item in menu, I run mvn checkstyle:check and nothing happened in GUI. So is it possible to see all checkstyle errors (not the xml file in target folder) with Intellij Idea?

Why don't you use the Idea checkstyle plugin -

It is unrelated to the maven build, but once installed you can just point it to the same checkstyle config file as in the maven plugin. This way you get checkstyle errors/warnings already when you are coding.


上一篇: 导入一个checkstyle xml文件

下一篇: 如何看到Intellij Idea中的maven check style插件报告?