Where to keep utility functions in angular2 that are available in templates

I have a few simple "pure" utility functions in my app which i want to keep in one place. The problem is, i can import them in my components by using:

import { utilities } from '../shared/utilities'

However these utility function/methods are not available in my template files (because they are bound to the component class only). I have to create an alias of these functions in my component in order to use them. Is there a better way to do this?

I think you should be able to use the utilities in the template if you inject it in your controller. Something like this :

import { Utilities } from './shared/utils';

export class ExampleComponent {
    constructor(public util: Utilities) { }

In your template you should be able to use util.your_function


export class ExampleComponent {
    constructor(public util: Utilities) { }

    get staticMethod1() { return Utilities.staticMethod1(); }
链接地址: http://www.djcxy.com/p/95812.html

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