C# game development after XNA

I am a game developer who made games in .Net languages with XNA for the past four versions of it. Unfortunately now there's this news: http://www.gamasutra.com/view/news/185894/Its_official_XNA_is_dead.php#.UQ3yiehQCh8

I am surveying the ecosystem of game engines, looking for something that supports coding in Visual Studio (I use F# heavily, believe it or not!) and I am having trouble finding something that is high quality, still alive, and high performance to replace XNA. Unity for example misses the mark because it only allows for scripting in MonoDevelop, while I want a more developer friendly experience.

So what is a good replacement for XNA?

If you want to leverage on XNA API, you should bet on MonoGame. It is a compatible XNA API that is targeting to run on several platforms (including several non Windows platforms using OpenGL). The development is very active, MonoGame is recently getting a full 3D stack that is starting to work on Windows Metro app (thanks to SharpDX). You can have a look at the latest develop3d branch.

There is nothing awesome like XNA. I don't get it why MS is throwing XNA away. It is the only System that works with the XBox 360. You can try Engines or Wrappers like Tao, SlimDx or something else. But XNA was the best System for rapid game development.

I'am now switched to Java + LWJGL.

I don't know when you checked last time, but Unity does in fact support coding in Visual Studio. You just have to select it as editor in preferences.

链接地址: http://www.djcxy.com/p/95490.html

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下一篇: XNA之后的C#游戏开发