How to generate a human readable time range using ruby on rails

I'm trying to find the best way to generate the following output

<name> job took 30 seconds
<name> job took 1 minute and 20 seconds
<name> job took 30 minutes and 1 second
<name> job took 3 hours and 2 minutes

I started this code

def time_range_details
  time = (self.created_at..self.updated_at).count
  sync_time = case time 
    when 0..60 then "#{time} secs"       
    else "#{time/60} minunte(s) and #{time-min*60} seconds"

Is there a more efficient way of doing this. It seems like a lot of redundant code for something super simple.

Another use for this is:

<title> was posted 20 seconds ago
<title> was posted 2 hours ago

The code for this is similar, but instead i use

def time_since_posted
  time = (

If you need something more "precise" than distance_of_time_in_words , you can write something along these lines:

def humanize secs
  [[60, :seconds], [60, :minutes], [24, :hours], [1000, :days]].map{ |count, name|
    if secs > 0
      secs, n = secs.divmod(count)
      "#{n.to_i} #{name}"
  }.compact.reverse.join(' ')

p humanize 1234
#=>"20 minutes 34 seconds"
p humanize 12345
#=>"3 hours 25 minutes 45 seconds"
p humanize 123456
#=>"1 days 10 hours 17 minutes 36 seconds"
p humanize( - Time.local(2010,11,5))
#=>"4 days 18 hours 24 minutes 7 seconds"

Oh, one remark on your code:


is really bad way to get the difference. Use simply:

self.updated_at - self.created_at

There are two methods in DateHelper that might give you what you want:

  • time_ago_in_words

    time_ago_in_words( 1234.seconds.from_now ) #=> "21 minutes"
    time_ago_in_words( 12345.seconds.ago )     #=> "about 3 hours"
  • distance_of_time_in_words

    distance_of_time_in_words(, 1234.seconds.from_now ) #=> "21 minutes"
    distance_of_time_in_words(, 12345.seconds.ago )     #=> "about 3 hours"

  • chronic_duration将数字时间分析为可读,反之亦然


    上一篇: Ruby中的DateTime和Time之间的区别

    下一篇: 如何使用ruby在rails上生成可读的时间范围