Using cv::waitKey without having to call cv::namedWindow or cv::imshow first

I am writing a GUI program using Qt and doing some video processing with OpenCV. I am displaying the result of the OpenCV process (which is in a separate thread) in a label in the main GUI thread.

The problem I am having is cv::waitKey doesn't work unless I open a native OpenCV window opened using cv::namedWindow or cv::imshow. Does anybody know how to solve this?

Short example:

void Thread::run()
    //needed variables
    cv::VideoCapture capture(0);
    cv::Mat image;

    //main loop
        capture>> image;
        emit paintToDisplay(convertToQImage(image));

With //cv::namedWindow("test"); ie commented, the program crashes with access violation error.

With cv::namedWindow("test"); ie uncommented, the program displays perfect but there's a window (named test) I don't want or need. Anybody?

cv::waitKey() only works with OpenCV windows, which is not what you are using right now.

I suggest you investigate a QT alternative, most probably qSleep() , which is provided by the QTest module:


I found a solution to use msleep() . It's easy to use since it's a member of the class QThread .

Just thought i'd update this in case someone with a similar problem finds this thread.


上一篇: cvWaitKey()显着减缓捕获过程

下一篇: 使用cv :: waitKey而不必首先调用cv :: namedWindow或cv :: imshow