Guice Custom Injection for constructor parameters

I read about Custom Injection in Guice here:

This scheme describes how you can create a MembersInjector for injecting fields of a class. I am able to do this successfully. However, I do not like the idea of field injection and would like to do this to inject parameters of a constructor.

Does anybody have a clue as to how this can be achieved for constructor injection?


public class PaymentService {
  private final Logger logger;

  @Inject public PaymentService(@InjectLogger(type="log4j") final Logger logger){
       //the @InjectLogger is the injection point


The documentation of MembersInjector says "inject dependencies into fields and methods of type T":

This seems to indicate that it should be possible to do this. Any ideas?

Also, to clarify, I need to use custom injection because I don't have the binding at development time. I have to bind a logger at runtime based on the attribute in my annotation from a configuration. I also cannot iterate through all my config keys.


上一篇: 在Dropwizard应用程序中的Guice AbstractModule中注入配置

下一篇: Guice自定义注入构造函数参数