Jabber client issue with Authentication c#

Given below is a sample console application uses jabber-net client for sending a sample test message after authenticating the connection. I am receiving error while authenticating the login request.Error is given below.

"Unable to read data from the transport connection: A non-blocking socket operation could not be completed immediately. "

I am new into this XMPP. So many projects available online but none of them found relevent. Please provide with your valuable information or links that can be useful for developing a free jabber client library for my application.

Sample code is attached below!

class Program
    // we will wait on this event until we're done sending
    static ManualResetEvent done = new ManualResetEvent(false);
    // if true, output protocol trace to stdout
    const bool VERBOSE = true;
    const string TARGET = "sample@example.com";

    static void Main(string[] args)
        JabberClient j = new JabberClient();
        j.User = "sample@jabber.org";
        j.Server = "jabber.org"; // use gmail.com for GoogleTalk
        j.Password = "samplePassword";

        // don't do extra stuff, please.
        j.AutoPresence = false;
        j.AutoRoster = false;
        j.AutoReconnect = 30;

        // listen for errors.  Always do this!
        j.OnError += new bedrock.ExceptionHandler(j_OnError);

        // what to do when login completes
        j.OnAuthenticate += new bedrock.ObjectHandler(j_OnAuthenticate);

        // listen for XMPP wire protocol
        if (VERBOSE)
           // j.OnLoginRequired += new bedrock.ObjectHandler(j_OnLoginRequired);
            j.OnReadText += new bedrock.TextHandler(j_OnReadText);
            j.OnWriteText += new bedrock.TextHandler(j_OnWriteText);

        // Set everything in motion

        // wait until sending a message is complete

        // logout cleanly

    static void j_OnWriteText(object sender, string txt)
        if (txt == " ") return;  // ignore keep-alive spaces
        Console.WriteLine("SEND: " + txt);

    static void j_OnReadText(object sender, string txt)
        if (txt == " ") return;  // ignore keep-alive spaces
        Console.WriteLine("RECV: " + txt);

    static void j_OnAuthenticate(object sender)
        // Sender is always the JabberClient.
        JabberClient j = (JabberClient)sender;
        j.Message(TARGET, "test");

        // Finished sending.  Shut down.

    static void j_OnError(object sender, Exception ex)
        // There was an error!
        Console.WriteLine("Error: " + ex.ToString());

        // Shut down.

In your code example you use sample@jabber.org as username. This is the complete bare Jid. The username (node part) in xmpp is the part before the "@" only. So try to use sample as username instead of sample@jabber.org .

j.User = "sample";
j.Server = "jabber.org";
j.Password = "secret";
链接地址: http://www.djcxy.com/p/94148.html

上一篇: 如何在XMPP中阻止匿名用户

下一篇: Jabber客户端问题与身份验证c#