Injection C# SQL

This question already has an answer here:

  • How does the SQL injection from the “Bobby Tables” XKCD comic work? 12 answers

  • Just to show how a Sql Injection is really easy and, apart from destruction of data, could lead to other nasty effects

    textbox1.Text = "' OR User_na LIKE '%'; --";

    the resulting comm.CommandText is

    comm.commandtext = @"Select * from Logins where User_na='' OR User_na LIKE '%'--pass_wrd= 'xxx'";
    SqlDataReader r = cmd.ExecuteReader();
        MessageBox.Show("The poor programmer was tricked by a smart hacker");

    then depending on how do you check the results of the query the unauthenticated user could gain access to your program


    上一篇: SQL注入在概念上如何工作? (简要)

    下一篇: 注入C#SQL