Correct way to get allowed arguments from ArgumentParser

Question: What is the intended / official way of accessing possible arguments from an existing argparse.ArgumentParser object?

Example: Let's assume the following context:

import argparse
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument('--foo', '-f', type=str)

Here I'd like to get the following list of allowed arguments:

['-h', '--foo', '--help', '-f']

I found the following workaround which does the trick for me


But I'm not happy with it, as it involves accessing a _ -member that is not officially documented. Whats the correct alternative for this task?

I don't think there is a "better" way to achieve what you want.

If you really don't want to use the _option_string_actions attribute, you could process the parser.format_usage() to retrieve the options, but doing this, you will get only the short options names.

If you want both short and long options names, you could process the parser.format_help() instead.

This process can be done with a very simple regular expression: -+w+

import re

OPTION_RE = re.compile(r"-+w+")
PARSER_HELP = """usage: [-h] [--foo FOO] [--bar BAR]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help         show this help message and exit
  --foo FOO, -f FOO  a random options
  --bar BAR, -b BAR  a more random option

options = set(OPTION_RE.findall(PARSER_HELP))

# set(['-f', '-b', '--bar', '-h', '--help', '--foo'])

Or you could first make a dictionnary which contains the argument parser configuration and then build the argmuent parser from it. Such a dictionnary could have the option names as key and the option configuration as value. Doing this, you can access the options list via the dictionnary keys flattened with itertools.chain:

import argparse
import itertools

parser_config = {
    ('--foo', '-f'): {"help": "a random options", "type": str},
    ('--bar', '-b'): {"help": "a more random option", "type": int, "default": 0}

parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
for option, config in parser_config.items():
    parser.add_argument(*option, **config)

# usage: [-h] [--foo FOO] [--bar BAR]
# optional arguments:
#   -h, --help         show this help message and exit
#   --foo FOO, -f FOO  a random options
#   --bar BAR, -b BAR  a more random option

# ['--foo', '-f', '--bar', '-b']

This last way is what I would do, if I was reluctant to use _option_string_actions .

This started as a joke answer, but I've learned something since - so I'll post it.

Assume, we know the maximum length of an option allowed. Here is a nice answer to the question in this situation:

from itertools import combinations

def parsable(option):
        return len(parser.parse_known_args(option.split())[1]) != 2
        return False

def test(tester, option):
    return any([tester(str(option) + ' ' + str(v)) for v in ['0', '0.0']])

def allowed_options(parser, max_len=3, min_len=1):
    acceptable = []
    for l in range(min_len, max_len + 1):
        for option in combinations([c for c in [chr(i) for i in range(33, 127)] if c != '-'], l):
            option = ''.join(option)
            acceptable += [p + option for p in ['-', '--'] if test(parsable, p + option)]
    return acceptable

Of course this is very pedantic as the question doesn't require any specific runtime. So I'll ignore that here. I'll also disregard, that the above version produces a mess of output because one can get rid of it easily.

But more importantly, this method detected the following interesting argparse "features":

  • In in the OP example, argparse would also allow --fo . This has to be a bug.
  • But further, in the OP example again, argparse would also allow -fo (ie. setting foo to o without space or anything). This is documented and intended, but I didn't know it.
  • Because of this, a correct solution is a bit longer and would look something like this (only parsable changes, I'll omit the other methods):

    def parsable(option):
            default = vars(parser.parse_known_args(['--' + '0' * 200])[0])
            parsed, remaining = parser.parse_known_args(option.split())
            if len(remaining)  == 2:
                return False
            parsed = vars(parsed)
            for k in parsed.keys():
                    if k in default and default[k] != parsed[k] and float(parsed[k]) != 0.0:
                        return False  # Filter '-fx' cases where '-f' is the argument and 'x' the value.
                    return False
            return True
            return False

    Summary : Besides all the restrictions (runtime and fixed maximum option length), this is the only answer that correctly respects the real parser behavior - however buggy it may even be. So here you are, a perfect answer that is absolutely useless.

    I have to agree with Tryph's answer.

    Not pretty, but you can retrieve them from parser.format_help() :

    import argparse
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
    parser.add_argument('--foo', '-f', type=str)
    goal = parser._option_string_actions.keys()
    def get_allowed_arguments(parser):
        lines = parser.format_help().split('n')
        line_index = 0
        number_of_lines = len(lines)
        found_optional_arguments = False
        # skip the first lines until the section 'optional arguments'
        while line_index < number_of_lines:
            if lines[line_index] == 'optional arguments:':
                found_optional_arguments = True
                line_index += 1
            line_index += 1
        result_list = []
        if found_optional_arguments:
            while line_index < number_of_lines:
                arg_list = get_arguments_from_line(lines[line_index])
                if len(arg_list) == 0:
                result_list += arg_list
                line_index += 1
        return result_list
    def get_arguments_from_line(line):
        if line[:2] != '  ':
            return []
        arg_list = []
        i = 2
        N = len(line)
        inside_arg = False
        arg_start = 2
        while i < N:
            if line[i] == '-' and not inside_arg:
                arg_start = i
                inside_arg = True
            elif line[i] in [',',' '] and inside_arg:
                inside_arg = False
            i += 1
        return arg_list
    answer = get_allowed_arguments(parser)

    There's probably a regular expressions alternative to the above mess...


    上一篇: 这种PDO查询是否受到SQL注入的保护?

    下一篇: 正确的方式从ArgumentParser获取允许的参数