How to count pymongo aggregation cursor without iterating

I want to get the total number of records in an aggregate cursor in pymongo version 3.0+. Is there any way to get total count without iterating over the cursor?

cursor = db.collection.aggregate([{"$match": options},{"$group": {"_id": groupby,"count": {"$sum":1}}} ])
cursorlist = [c for c in cursor]
print len(cursorlist)

Is there any way to skip the above iteration?


>>> pipeline = [
...     {"$match": options},
...     {"$group": {"_id": groupby, "count": {"$sum":1}}},
...     {"$group": {"_id": None, "total": {"$sum": 1}, "details":{"$push":{"groupby": "$_id", "count": "$count"}}}}
... ]
>>> list(db.collection.aggregate(pipeline))

上一篇: 无法在现有文件上挂载卷,文件存在

下一篇: 如何计算pymongo聚合游标而不进行迭代