create called after failed saved?

I want to send request to external software whenever I am certain that a model is saved.

1) How do I determine the order in which after_create is called?

2) does it get called on a failed create?

The RAILS API documentation says:

Note that this callback is still wrapped in the transaction around save.

3) Does this mean it requires the save to be successful before after_save is called or does it mean that once save is called after_save is always triggered?

How would I learn in what order after_create is called and if it persists through a failed create?

You can read the order of callbacks here:

If the transaction fails, the save event (and create / update events) return false . This will stop all later callbacks from being run. So, after_save , after_create / after_update all never get run on a failed save (or on a failed create / update ).

...and the transaction gets rolled back so the database is not actually updated.


上一篇: 反应香蕉:国家monad或不?

下一篇: 在失败保存后创建调用?