Javascript : optimize data structure for chess game

Trying to figure out how to store some useful data for chess games programming.

I decided to store rays emitted by on-board chessmen in a Raycaster; This question is about the implementation of this structure.

TL;DR (for chess gamers only...)

first of all, I have identified three kinds of rays :

  • Ray.NORMAL or Ray.FULL: they are emitted by all chessmen but not pawns, in an iterative way (rook, bishop, queen) or not (knight and king)
  • Ray.CAPTURE: emitted only by pawns, ahead left and /or ahead right captures
  • Ray.OFFSET: emitted by pawns when moving forward, and kings/rooks for castling
  • Thus a ray is defined like this :

    class Ray {
      constructor (owner, kind) {
        this.owner = owner // chessman which emits ray
        this.kind = kind
        this.ref = null
        this.sequence = []
      // is computed afetr construction
      expand (ref, sequence) {
        this.ref = ref // starting ref (origin of the ray)
        this.sequence = sequence // array of refs
      // is called when ray is inserted into raycaster
      interact (otherRay) {
        //  to be implemented

    Rays also have two special compound properties :

  • shadowing { ray: null, idx: -1 }
  • crossing { ray: null, idx: -1 }
  • which denote where this ray instance may be shadowed by another chessman, and where another ray is crossing it, to detect passability and interference (for castling)


    How to store efficiently rays in the RayCaster?

    In a way that optimizes operations such as:

  • adding a newly computed ray, computing interactions with previously stored ones, at a mo,opmal cost?
  • determining from a given starting ref, all targeted tiles/ref?
  • determining easily which rays target a given ref, to compute pression balance on this tile?

  • single array of rays : worst case 64 * 63 elements, costful for seeking a ray and compute interactions
  • Map of arrays : Map.set(startingRef, [list_of_emtted_rays_from_startingRef])
  • Map of arrays : Map.set(endingRef, [list_of_targetinhg_rays_to_endingRef])
  • and maybe a good candidate :

    maintain 2 maps of arrays, one for emitted, and one for targeting

    class RayCaster {
      constructor() {
        this.startings = new Map()
        this.endings = new Map()
      cast(board) { ...iterate through board and casts individual rays }
      add(ray) { ... }
      getRefsAttackedBy(ref) { ... }
      getRefsAttacking(ref) { ... }

    So what are your feelings about this data structure (the RayCaster)?

    finally since Maps are time constant access, I have considered a double-maps implementation :

    constructor() {
      this.startings = new Map()
      this.endings = new Map()
      this.counters = { rays: 0, interactions: 0 }

    Each map is keyed by board refs, from "a1" to "h8"

    casts(board) {
      this.counters = {
        rays: this.raysFrom(board),
        interactions: this.computeInteractions()

    Adding rays is straighforward :

    raysFrom(board) {
      let counter = 0;
      board.traverse((ref, chessman) => {
        let rays = chessman.cast(ref)
        for(let ray of rays) {
        counter  += rays.length
      return counter

    And aa simple ray :

    add (ray) {
      let skey = ray.ref
      let sRays = this.startings.get(sKey)
      if(sRays.indexOf(ray) === -1) {
      ray.traverse((seqIdx, seqRef) => {
        let seqKey = seqRef.key
        let eRays = this.endings.get(seqKey)
        if (eRays.indexOf(ray) === -1) {

    Computing ray interactions (crossing and shading) is more complicated :

    computeInteractions() {
      let counter = 0
      // consider all starting rays
      for (let {sRef, sRays} of this.startings) {
        for (let sRay of sRays) {
          sRay.traverse((seqIdx, seqRef) => {
            // consider all possible intersections
            // into the endings map
            let eRays = this.endings.get(seqRef.ref)
            for(let eRay of eRays) {
              // ensure that rays are different
              if (sRay !== eRay) {
      return counter

    The rest of the work is just determining in the ray class how two rays could interact (crossing or shading)

    Thanks for advice, best regards !


    上一篇: oledb异常未处理

    下一篇: Javascript:优化国际象棋游戏的数据结构