Accessing function object's properties from inside the function body

Functions in javascript is also an object and can have properties. So is there any way to access its properties from inside its own function body?

like this

var f = function() { 
  console.log(/*some way to access f.a*/);
f.a = 'Test';
f(); //should log 'Test' to console


var f = function() { 
f.a = 'Test';

You could just use this:


If f is executed, f() , before fa = 'Test'; you will get undefined in the console, since there isn't any property with name/key a be defined. After fa = 'Test'; being executed, the name/key a will be defined on f and the corresponding value would be 'Test' . Hence, executing later on the function f , the value 'Test' would be the output to the console.


 var f = function() { 
   console.log(this.a);    // USE "THIS" TO ACCESS PROPERTY

 f.a = 'Test';
 f = f.bind(f);            // BIND TO SELF

 f();                      // WILL LOG 'Test' TO CONSOLE

上一篇: 正确的方式使用cbind,包含s4类的rbind

下一篇: 从函数体内部访问函数对象的属性