Stack and Heap memory allocation in .net

I've been reading different articles/pages on this topic and finally came to this article, which led me to a confusion!

In the article, it's mentioned that Value Types always go where they were declared , by which the author meant, value types may reside in either the stack or the heap, as per how/where they're declared.

Let me put down a code snippet to make myself more clear:

public class Test
    int testInt;
    string testString;

int anInt;
string aString;
Test testObj;
testObj = new Test();

After executing these lines of code, the memory allocation will look something like this:


The struct testInt is stored in the heap, since it was declared in the Test class.

Keeping this example in mind, let us see a simple Form.cs code behind where I'm declaring an integer.

using System.Windows.Forms;

namespace WindowsFormsApplication1
    public partial class Form1 : Form
        public Form1()

        public int anotherInt;

My confusion part:

In this case, where is anotherInt allocated to? Stack or Heap? By the looks of it, I think most of the answers will be "Stack". But, isn't this variable declared in a class called Form1 ? So, as per the first code snippet above, shouldn't it be going to the heap? If yes, then under what all circumstances would a struct be allocated to a Stack? Only if it is declared inside a method? But still, won't a method come under a class, which again should be stored in a heap?

A lot of questions I know! But just curious to know what's happening. I hope my question is clear.

In your example anotherInt would be allocated to the Heap. This is because anotherInt is a field of Form1 , which is a Heap allocated object. The Stack is associated with a thread & contains only the references/objects necessary for the currently executing code. So to answer your question about methods coming under a class, you're not entierly correct there.

While methods belong to a class, they are executable blocks of code rather than memory blocks associated directly with a class(which is what anotherInt is). One of the best ways to examine this type of allocation is to use a memory debugger like WinDbg & actually examine your thread stacks vs. the Heap. This will give you the clearest picture of where a particular struct is actually allocated.

In an extremely simplified sense: Stack = addresses necessary for currently executing code stack, Heap = everything else. But ultimatley Jon B is spot on w/ his link to Eric's blog. You really don't need to know where your objects are allocated.

EDIT: Including the blog link.

In your example anotherInt will be located on the heap along with the rest of the instance of Form1 (assuming you create one of course).

To create a local int, the variable must be declared in a method or a property. Eg

void Foo()
    int localInt = 42;

Now, just because a value type is declared in a method doesn't necessarily mean that it goes on the stack. Eg captured variables are handled differently.


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