.NET application memory usage concerning private bytes vs peak private bytes

I am testing a long running .NET application which interacts with an unmanaged DLL and am using ProcessExplorer to monitor its memory usage.

Private Bytes does not increase and stays around 21-25MB but I get a huge increase in Peak Private Bytes ~ 242MB

What does Peak Private Bytes indicate? that the application needed that amount memory sometime during processing for its own requirements or am I experiencing a memory leak?

I should also mention that Virtual Size is about 160MB

链接地址: http://www.djcxy.com/p/80180.html

上一篇: .net内存使用情况,什么决定了私有字节的大小

下一篇: 有关专用字节与专用字节峰值的.NET应用程序内存使用