What is the purpose of the vshost.exe file?

When I create and compile a "hello world" application in C#, I get three files in the Debug folder apart from the main exe (eg HelloWorld.exe)

  • HelloWorld.vshost.exe
  • HelloWorld.pdb
  • HelloWorld.vshost.exe.manifest
  • What purpose do these files serve?

    The vshost.exe feature was introduced with VS2005 (to answer your comment).

    The purpose of it is mostly to make debugging launch quicker - basically there's already a process with the framework running, just ready to load your application as soon as you want it to.

    See this MSDN article and this blog post for more information.

  • .exe - the 'normal' executable

  • .vshost.exe - a special version of the executable to aid debuging; see MSDN for details

  • .pdb - the Program Data Base with debug symbols

  • .vshost.exe.manifest - a kind of configuration file containing mostly dependencies on libraries

  • The vshost.exe file is the executable run by Visual Studio (visual studio host executable). This is the executable that links to Visual Studio and improves debugging.

    When you're distributing your application to others, you do not use the vshost.exe or .pdb (debug database) files.

    链接地址: http://www.djcxy.com/p/79854.html

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    下一篇: vshost.exe文件的用途是什么?