Which is the best license to release a framework?

I'm developing a report engine for iOS devices which uses CoreData.

I wish release it with an open source license, but I don't know which is the best to choose.

These are the requisites that I need to be satisfied:

  • The engine could be used in commercial and non-commercial apps
  • The developer that use the engine must give public credits into the app
  • If the developer makes changes to the engine must release it (and only it) in a public repository or must send them to me to integrate them into a newer release.
  • Have you some suggestion?

    我认为这个许可证(LGPL v3)适合你。

    As Marc B said, you really should talk to a lawyer. In the meantime, you may want to visit http://www.opensource.org/ for some studying and Larry Rosen wrote an excellent book on the topic: http://www.rosenlaw.com/oslbook.htm .

    链接地址: http://www.djcxy.com/p/79716.html

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