git pull keeping local changes

How can I safely update (pull) a git project, keeping specific files untouched, even if there's upstream changes?


Is there a way, of, even if this file was being changed on remote, when I git pull, everything else is updated, but this file is unchanged (not even merged)?

PS. I need to do what I am asking because I'm only writing git-based deploy scripts. I cannot change config files to templates.

so, I need way to write update scripts that does not lose what was locally changed. I was hoping for something as simple as:

git assume-remote-unchanged file1
git assume-remote-unchanged file2

then git pull

There is a simple solution based on Git stash. Stash everything that you've changed, pull all the new stuff, apply your stash.

git stash
git pull
git stash pop

On stash pop there may be conflicts. In the case you describe there would in fact be a conflict for config.php . But, resolving the conflict is easy because you know that what you put in the stash is what you want. So do this:

git checkout --theirs -- config.php

如果你的repo文件中有一个文件应该由大多数文件创建者定制,那么将文件重命名为config.php.template ,并将config.php文件添加到你的.gitignore

Update: this literally answers the question asked, but I think KurzedMetal's answer is really what you want.

Assuming that:

  • You're on the branch master
  • The upstream branch is master in origin
  • You have no uncommitted changes
  • .... you could do:

    # Do a pull as usual, but don't commit the result:
    git pull --no-commit
    # Overwrite config/config.php with the version that was there before the merge
    # and also stage that version:
    git checkout HEAD config/config.php
    # Create the commit:
    git commit -F .git/MERGE_MSG

    You could create an alias for that if you need to do it frequently. Note that if you have uncommitted changes to config/config.php , this would throw them away.


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