Sweave to R markdown file conversion

I am not sure if this type of question complies with the SO rules for well-defined questions ;) ... anyway:

I want to convert several R Sweave files ( .Rnw ) to R markdown files ( .Rmd ). Jeromy Anglin has posted on this matter here but there is no code supplied. I tried to use pandoc , but of course pandoc cannot handle the chunk tags and inline code tags correctly.

Consclusion : I guess I will have do write some code to parse my .Rnw files to prepare them for pandoc conversion. Thus my questions:

  • Is there a better way to go?
  • Does someone by chance have code available that will do the job?
  • TIA

    As @Karl commented, LaTeX --> markdown is not a trivial conversion as there are far more options and environments available in LaTeX compared to markdown. You are probably best off working with something like pandoc (see Demo #5). Basically, instead of doing

    .Rnw --> .Rmd --> .md

    you would do

    .Rnw --> .tex --> .md

    with pandoc. If you really want to go from .Rnw --> .Rmd, you may want to check out the pander package to write a function to extract code chunks, convert the remaining LaTeX content to markdown, and then re-insert the code chunks into the markdown document.

    链接地址: http://www.djcxy.com/p/76672.html

    上一篇: 在并发环境中乱序加载

    下一篇: Sweave to R降价文件转换