recognize bash file with no extension in phpstorm

I'm using the last version of PHPStorm, which is 7 I think and want to have file support for files using a pattern such as *.extension but those don't have an extension. I tried pattern *, which works, but puts all of my files in bash highlighting.

Does anyone have a solution for that without using the .sh extension?

Edit: Bash file are recognize with extension .sh and .bash. It's working nicely, but what I want is to set default file type on files with no extension. If I add .* or * in the list of bash file, all my files are recognize like bash file. Hope it's more clear, sorry for the probable mistake in my English.

It may seem weird - but you can try to actually list the files you're using explicitly reading their names.

Not sure of your use-case, but I needed it for git hooks, and there's not so much names for existing git hooks, so it's not that hard to list those :)

For the reference: Preferences > Editor > File Types > Bourne Again Shell:



上一篇: 在weka中看不到名义值

下一篇: 在phpstorm中识别没有扩展名的bash文件