
假设我们有一个类型class (A a, B a) => C a where 。 使用newtype将允许我们克隆一个数据类型,然后通过GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving语言扩展自动派生实例(请参阅如何编写可派生类?以及使用相同的内部表示形式处理多个类型以及最少的样板?)。

问题 :是否有可能让ghc自动派生AC ,而是使用我们自己的指定实现B来派生C

例如下面的代码(其中A = PlanetB = LivesC = Description )不能按预期工作:

{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-}
module Main (main) where

data Cat = Cat String
newtype Dolphin = Dolphin Cat deriving (Planet)


class Planet a where
  planet :: a -> String

class Lives a where
  lives :: a -> String

class (Planet a, Lives a) => Description a where
  description :: a -> String


instance Planet Cat where
  planet _ = "lives on planet earth,"

instance Lives Cat where
  lives _ = "lives on land"

instance Description Cat where
  description a = (planet a) ++ (lives a)


instance Lives Dolphin where
  lives _ = "lives in the sea"

--want the following derivation to use the instance of 
--"Lives" for "Dolphin" above
deriving instance Description Dolphin


main = do
  print $ description (Cat "test")
  -- > "lives on planet earth,lives on land"
  -- OK
  print $ description (Dolphin (Cat "test"))
  -- > "lives on planet earth,lives on land"
  -- NOT OK. Want "lives on planet earth,lives in the sea"


很明显,下面的程序是可行的,但它需要明确实例化Dolphin Description

{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-}
module Main (main) where

data Cat = Cat String
newtype Dolphin = Dolphin Cat deriving (Planet)


class Planet a where
  planet :: a -> String

class Lives a where
  lives :: a -> String

class (Planet a, Lives a) => Description a where
  description :: a -> String


instance Planet Cat where
  planet _ = "lives on planet earth,"

instance Lives Cat where
  lives _ = "lives on land"

instance Description Cat where
  description a = (planet a) ++ (lives a)


instance Lives Dolphin where
  lives _ = "lives in the sea"

instance Description Dolphin where
  description a = (planet a) ++ (lives a)


main = do
  print $ description (Cat "test")
  -- > "lives on planet earth,lives on land"
  print $ description (Dolphin (Cat "test"))
  -- > "lives on planet earth,lives in the sea"


instance Lives Dolphin where
  lives _ = "lives in the sea"


    No instance for (Lives Dolphin)
      arising from the superclasses of an instance declaration
    In the instance declaration for ‘Description Dolphin’

似乎奇怪的是,ghc会抱怨缺少instance Lives Dolphin where如果它没有DolphinDescription (自动)派生中使用它。


newtype ProcessID = PID Int deriving Eq


instance Eq PID where
  (PID x) == (PID y)    =    x == y

换句话说,当你在一个PID上调用==时,它将它解包到一个普通的Int ,然后执行==

我想象deriving instance Description Dolphin完全一样; 将DolphineDolphineCat ,然后调用description方法。 这不是你想要的!

问题:如果description的定义总是相同的,为什么它需要成为一个类? 为什么你不能只定义一个这样的常规函数​​?


链接地址: http://www.djcxy.com/p/7537.html

上一篇: Using custom instance when deriving an instance via GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving

下一篇: Are typeclasses essential?