
我正在尝试在C# UnitTest使用ExpectedException属性,但是我遇到了问题,无法使用特定的Exception 。 这就是我得到的:


    public void TestSetCellContentsTwo()
        // Create a new Spreadsheet instance for this test:
        SpreadSheet = new Spreadsheet();

        // If name is null then an InvalidNameException should be thrown. Assert that the correct 
        // exception was thrown.
        ReturnVal = SpreadSheet.SetCellContents(null, "String Text");
        **Assert.IsTrue(ReturnVal is InvalidNameException);**

        // If text is null then an ArgumentNullException should be thrown. Assert that the correct
        // exception was thrown.
        ReturnVal = SpreadSheet.SetCellContents("A1", (String) null);
        Assert.IsTrue(ReturnVal is ArgumentNullException);

        // If name is invalid then an InvalidNameException should be thrown. Assert that the correct 
        // exception was thrown.
            ReturnVal = SpreadSheet.SetCellContents("25", "String Text");
            Assert.IsTrue(ReturnVal is InvalidNameException);

            ReturnVal = SpreadSheet.SetCellContents("2x", "String Text");
            Assert.IsTrue(ReturnVal is InvalidNameException);

            ReturnVal = SpreadSheet.SetCellContents("&", "String Text");
            Assert.IsTrue(ReturnVal is InvalidNameException);

我有ExpectedException捕获基类型Exception 。 这不应该照顾它吗? 我尝试过使用AttributeUsage ,但它也没有帮助。 我知道我可以把它包装在一个try / catch块中,但是我想看看我能否把这个风格弄清楚。




    public void DivideTest()
        int numerator = 4;
        int denominator = 0;
        int actual = numerator / denominator;


    public void DivideTest()
        int numerator = 4;
        int denominator = 0;
        int actual = numerator / denominator;


    [ExpectedException(typeof(System.Exception), AllowDerivedTypes=true)]
    public void DivideTest()
        int numerator = 4;
        int denominator = 0;
        int actual = numerator / denominator;
链接地址: http://www.djcxy.com/p/73385.html

上一篇: ExpectedException Attribute Usage

下一篇: Use NUnit Assert.Throws method or ExpectedException attribute?