Is it possible to merge or use multiple code analysis dictionary files?

I have a Code Analysis Dictionary file that I use throughout all my projects, so naturally I have it reside in a shared directory and add it to my project as a link. But, I ran into a situation where one of my projects (and only one) needs additional recognized words, so I added an additional Code Analysis Dictionary file specific to the project, but it doesn't seem to get recognized. If I remove the common file that is linked in then the specific project file works.

I'm wondering if there is any way to utilize more than one file for a project somehow?

This is something that I do routinely without any problems. Are you sure the build action is correct on each of the two files? If so, do the changes work if they're all in the same file? (Some kinds of dictionary content cannot be overridden, which could explain why one file's contents only seem to be applied in the absence of the other file.)


上一篇: CA2204警告提及字符串文字中的类型名称

下一篇: 是否可以合并或使用多个代码分析字典文件?