exclude private property from print

Basically I am using Code Igniter, and the Code Igniter base class is huge, when I print_r some of my objects they have the base class embedded inside them. this makes it a pain to get the information I actually wanted (the rest of the properties).

So, I am wondering if there is a way I can hide, or remove the base class object?

I have tried

clone $object;

but of course the ci property is private.

the actual function I am using for dumping is:

 * Outputs the given variables with formatting and location. Huge props
 * out to Phil Sturgeon for this one (http://philsturgeon.co.uk/blog/2010/09/power-dump-php-applications).
 * To use, pass in any number of variables as arguments.
 * Optional pass in "true" as final argument to kill script after dump
 * @return void
function dump() {
    list($callee) = debug_backtrace();
    $arguments = func_get_args();
    $total_arguments = count($arguments);
    if (end($arguments) === true)

    echo '<fieldset style="background: #fefefe !important; border:2px red solid; padding:5px">';
    echo '<legend style="background:lightgrey; padding:5px;">' . $callee['file'] . ' @ line: ' . $callee['line'] . '</legend><pre>';

    $i = 0;
    foreach ($arguments as $argument) {
        //if the last argument is true we don't want to display it.
        if ($i == ($total_arguments) && $argument === true)

        echo '<br/><strong>Debug #' . (++$i) . ' of ' . $total_arguments . '</strong>: ';

        if ((is_array($argument) || is_object($argument)) && count($argument)) {
        } else {

    echo '</pre>' . PHP_EOL;
    echo '</fieldset>' . PHP_EOL;

    //if the very last argument is "true" then die
    if (end($arguments) === true)
        die('Killing Script');

This should work for returning only public vars for unknown class:

// Get the class of the object
$class_of_object= get_class($object);

// Get only public attributes (Note: if called from within class will return also private and protected)
$clone = get_class_vars($class_of_object);

// Try it

And this is quite hacky, but works - to remove private property from object ( This will not preserve object name ) and of course another drawback is that you need to hard code property name:

// First cast clone to array
$b = (array) clone($a);

// Then unset value (There will be null bytes around A and to use them you need to run it in double quotes
// Replace A for * to remove protected properties

// Finally back to object
$b = (object) $b;

// Test it

You can do in easily with PHP Reflextion API

$myClassName = 'myChildClass';
$reflection = new ReflectionClass($myClassName);

// get properties, only public in this case
$properties = $reflection->getProperties(ReflectionMethod::IS_PUBLIC);
//Print all properties (including parent class)

//Print properties of desired class only
foreach ($properties as $property) {
    if ($property->class == $myClassName) {

The same thing for methods.

If you really need it - you can create special function to do this work for you and call it when you need such analysis. But I think in most cases good IDE, like my favorite PHPStorm, might do this job for you and when you call class instance - show you only public methods in suggestion list.


<?php print_r(json_decode(json_encode($object))); ?>
链接地址: http://www.djcxy.com/p/66248.html

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