job when a delayed task fails so it will auto

Our app is hosted on heroku and we use delayed job when sending info to a remote system (via a GET to a url with some url params)

the remote system returns a success code usually, but it it;s real busy it returns a tryagain code.

suppose the our method is

def send_info
   the_url = "{self.someval}"
   the_result = open(the_url).read
   successflag = get_success_flag_from(the_result)

and so somewhere in our code we do


and that all works fine.

Except it does not automatically handle the case where the remote said to try back later.

Is there any way for the send_info method (which is what delayed job will execute) to "tell" delayed_job "retry me again"? Do we need to throw some custom exception or something?

Raising any kind of exception ought to cause delayed_job to requeue it (subject to only-trying-so-many-times); if you don't especially need a custom exception you can just raise a RuntimeError .


上一篇: 红宝石在轨道上

下一篇: 当延迟任务失败时进行作业,因此它会自动执行