
我想对反应性香蕉实施某种类型的事件限制。 它应该起作用,以使得如果从最后一次通过的事件到达的时间少于三秒,事件就不会通过。 如果它没有通过,那么它将被存储并在最后一次触发事件的增量秒后触发。

以下是一个实现此功能的程序,用于列出带时间戳的数字。 将它翻译成反应香蕉是否可能?


module Main where

import Data.List

-- 1 second throtling
-- logic is to never output a value before 1 second has passed since last value was outputed.

main :: IO()
main = print $ test [ (0.0, 1.0), (1.1, 2.0), (1.5,3.0), (1.7,4.0),  (2.2, 5.0)  ]
--should output  [ (0.0, 1.0), (1.1, 2.0), (2.1,4.0), (3.1, 5.0) ]

test :: [(Double,Double)] -> [(Double,Double)]
test list = g v (concat xs)
               (v, xs) = mapAccumL f (-50,Nothing) list
               g (t, Just x) ys = ys ++ [ (t+1,x) ]
               g _ ys  = ys
               f (lasttime, Just holdvalue) (t,x) = if t > (lasttime+1) then
                               if t > (lasttime + 2) then
                                       ( (t, Nothing), [ (lasttime+1,holdvalue), (t,x)] )
                               else ( (lasttime+1, Just x) , [ (lasttime+1,holdvalue) ] )
                               ( (lasttime, Just x), [] )
               f (lasttime, Nothing) (t,x) = if t > (lasttime+1) then
                        ( (t,Nothing) , [ (t, x ) ] ) 
                        else ( (lasttime, Just x), [] )


基本上,你已经使用像wxHaskell这样的外部框架来创建一个计时器,然后你可以使用它来安排事件。 Wave.hs示例演示了如何做到这一点。

目前,我选择在反应香蕉图书馆本身不包含时间概念。 原因很简单,即不同的外部框架具有不同分辨率或质量的定时器,没有适合所有情况的单一尺寸。


好的,我设法实现了我在我的问题中描述的内容。 我不是很高兴IO需要通过反应来控制计时器。 我想知道是否有可能用节气门标记油门:: Event ta - > Int - > Event ta ...



{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-} -- allows "forall t. NetworkDescription t"

import Graphics.UI.WX hiding (Event)
import Reactive.Banana
import Reactive.Banana.WX
import Data.Time


data ThrottledValue a = FireStoredValue a | FireNowAndStartTimer a| HoldIt a | Stopped deriving Show
data ThrottledEvent a = TimerEvent | RealEvent a deriving Show

main = start $ do
    f   <- frame [text := "Countercesss"]
    sl1  <- hslider f False 0 100 []
    sl2  <- hslider f False 0 100 []
    set f [ layout := column 0 [widget sl1, widget sl2] ]
    t <- timer f []
    set t [ enabled := False ] 
    let networkDescription :: forall t. NetworkDescription t ()
        networkDescription = do
        slEv <- event0 sl1 command
        tick <- event0 t command 
        slB <- behavior sl1 selection
        let (throttledEv, reactimates) = throttle (slB <@ slEv) tick t 100
        reactimate $ fmap (x ->  set sl2 [selection := x]) throttledEv       
    net <- compile networkDescription
    actuate net            

throttle::Event t a -> Event t () -> Timer -> Int -> (Event t a, NetworkDescription t () )    
throttle ev tick timer dt = (throttledEv, reactimates)
                all = union (fmap (x-> RealEvent x) ev) (fmap (x -> TimerEvent) tick)
                result = accumE Stopped $ fmap h all
                        h (RealEvent x) Stopped = FireNowAndStartTimer x
                        h TimerEvent Stopped = Stopped
                        h (RealEvent x) (FireNowAndStartTimer _) = HoldIt x
                        h TimerEvent (FireNowAndStartTimer _) = Stopped
                        h (RealEvent x) (HoldIt _) = HoldIt x
                        h (TimerEvent) (HoldIt y) = FireStoredValue y
                        h (RealEvent x) (FireStoredValue _) = HoldIt x
                        h (TimerEvent) (FireStoredValue _) = Stopped          
                start (FireStoredValue a) = Just $ resetTimer timer dt
                start (FireNowAndStartTimer a) = Just $ resetTimer timer dt
                start _ = Nothing  
                stop Stopped = Just $ stopTimer timer
                stop _ = Nothing  
                reactimates = do
                        reactimate $ filterJust $ fmap stop result   
                        reactimate $ filterJust $ fmap start result
                filterFired (FireStoredValue a) = Just a
                filterFired (FireNowAndStartTimer a) = Just a
                filterFired _ = Nothing
                throttledEv = filterJust $ fmap filterFired result                 

startTimer t dt = set t [ enabled := True, interval := dt ]
stopTimer t = set t [ enabled := False ]
resetTimer t dt = stopTimer t >> startTimer t dt
链接地址: http://www.djcxy.com/p/60079.html

上一篇: banana throttling events

下一篇: Fontforge Scripting how to add ligatures for a glyph