compute geo distance in elasticsearch

i am using a geo_distance filter with tire in my query and it works fine:

search.filter :geo_distance, :distance => "#{request.distance}km", :location => "#{},#{request.lng}"

i expected that the result would somehow include the computed distance to the geo-location that i used for my filter.

is there a way to tell elasticsearch to include that in the response, so that i don't have to calculate it in ruby for every result?

== UPDATE ==

i found the answer in a google group:

search.sort do
  by "_geo_distance", "location" => "#{},#{request.lng}", "unit" => "km" if request.with_location?

sorting by the _geo_distance will yield the distance in the raw results.

_geo_distance排序将返回结果中的距离:http: _geo_distance

For those that may be wondering, the distance is returned in the sort property of the elastic search results. In order to access it and display it in the view, use the each_with_hit method. For instance:

class Venue
    attr_accessor :distance

def index
    @search =
    @search.each_with_hit do |result, hit|
        result.distance = hit['sort'][0] # distance from the ES results
    render json: @search.results

"each_with_hit" modifies the resulting object and renders the proper json. So far for this to work, you must set load to true when searching:

:load => true

上一篇: 您可以使用清单或Web存储在iOS Web应用程序中缓存声音文件吗?

下一篇: 在elasticsearch中计算地理距离