Alpha Beta prune for chess always returning the first move in the list

I am writing a minimax algorithm with alpha-beta pruning for chess and cannot get the algorithm to return anything but the first move that it generates. I have been knocking my head against but cannot figure out what is going wrong. The code is a bit messy and in dire need of refactoring, but maybe you can see something that I am not.

I have verified that my evalNaive' function works as expected (very simple, just evaluate the board based on material).

alphaBeta :: Game -> Move
alphaBeta g = maxGame $ map (mv -> (abMinNode 4 (-100) 100 (move g mv), mv)) (nextMoves g)
        where maxGame = snd . foldr foldingF (-100, Move (Coord 1 1) (Coord 1 1))
              foldingF x y = if fst x < fst y then y else x

abMaxNode :: Int -> Int -> Int -> Maybe Game -> Int
abMaxNode 0 a b (Just (Game brd _ trn)) = evalNaive' brd trn
abMaxNode d a b (Just g) = abMaxHelper d (-100) a b g $ nextMoves g

abMaxHelper :: Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Game -> [Move] -> Int
abMaxHelper d v a b g [] = v
abMaxHelper d v a b g (x:xs)
        | b <= newA = v
        | otherwise = abMaxHelper d newV newA b g xs
                where newV = max v (abMinNode (d - 1) a b (move g x))
                      newA = max a newV

abMinNode :: Int -> Int -> Int -> Maybe Game -> Int
abMinNode 0 a b (Just (Game brd _ trn)) = evalNaive' brd trn
abMinNode d a b (Just g) = abMinHelper d 100 a b g $ nextMoves g 

abMinHelper :: Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Game -> [Move] -> Int
abMinHelper d v a b g [] = v
abMinHelper d v a b g (x:xs)
        | newB <= a = v
        | otherwise = abMinHelper d newV a newB g xs
                where newV = min v (abMaxNode (d - 1) a b (move g x))
                      newB = min b newV

nextMoves :: Game -> [Move]
nextMoves g = filterLegal $ concatMap (possibleMoves g) allSpaces
        where filterLegal = foldr (cur lst -> case move g cur of
                Nothing -> lst
                _ -> cur:lst) []


Definitions for some of my data types:

data Coord = Coord Int Int deriving (Eq)
data Move = Move Coord Coord deriving (Eq)
data Game = Game Board Flags Color deriving (Eq)

where Flags is a list of strings telling you things like for example white's queenside rook can castle, and Color is the color of whose turn it is.


Here are the results of calling alphaBeta minus maxGame $, yielding the list of tuples containing scores and the moves that got them:

(A coordinate (x,y) is the x file and y rank)

Just [(0,(1,7) => (1,6)),
      (0,(1,7) => (1,5)),
      (0,(2,7) => (2,6)),
      (0,(2,7) => (2,5)),
      (0,(2,8) => (1,6)),
      (0,(2,8) => (3,6)),
      (0,(3,7) => (3,6)),
      (0,(3,7) => (3,5)),
      (0,(4,7) => (4,6)),
      (0,(4,7) => (4,5)),
      (0,(5,7) => (5,6)),
      (0,(5,7) => (5,5)),
      (0,(6,7) => (6,6)),
      (0,(6,7) => (6,5)),
      (0,(7,7) => (7,6)),
      (0,(7,7) => (7,5)),
      (0,(7,8) => (6,6)),
      (0,(7,8) => (8,6)),
      (0,(8,7) => (8,6)),
      (0,(8,7) => (8,5))]

As you can see, they are all coming back as 0. Knowing that evalNaive' works, the issue is somewhere in the recursive functions.

EDIT3: Ran the same code with a depth of 5 and got this list of potential moves:

[(-1,(1,7) => (1,6)),
(-1,(1,7) => (1,5)),
(-1,(2,7) => (2,6)),
(-3,(2,7) => (2,5)),
(-3,(2,8) => (1,6)),
(-1,(2,8) => (3,6)),
(-1,(3,7) => (3,6)),
(-3,(3,7) => (3,5)),
(-1,(4,7) => (4,6)),
(-2,(4,7) => (4,5)),
(-1,(5,7) => (5,6)),
(-1,(5,7) => (5,5)),
(-1,(6,7) => (6,6)),
(-2,(6,7) => (6,5)),
(-1,(7,7) => (7,6)),
(-3,(7,7) => (7,5)),
(-1,(7,8) => (6,6)),
(-1,(7,8) => (8,6)),
(-1,(8,7) => (8,6)),
(-1,(8,7) => (8,5))]

so it appears that the first move it encounters is the best as far as my algorithm can tell. Am I not going deep enough into the search tree to get anything meaningful?


上一篇: 在TicTacToe minimax算法中实现alpha beta修剪

下一篇: 国际象棋的Alpha Beta修剪总是返回列表中的第一步