Laravel Zizaco Role and Permission Error BadMethod Error

1/4 BadMethodCallException in Repository.php line 352: This cache store does not support tagging.

this the error 1 when i use the role blade syntax on my view blade template.

Actually the erroe started when i use the tinker cli i got got the badMethodcall error when i tried to save with the



1/2 ErrorException in Repository.php line 352: This cache store does not support tagging. (View: C:UsersIlaminiDesktopxampphtdocsdashresourcesviewspartialstopnav.blade.php)

next error

3/4 ErrorException in Repository.php line 352: This cache store does not support tagging. (View: C:UsersIlaminiDesktopxampphtdocsdashresourcesviewspartialstopnav.blade.php) (View: C:UsersIlaminiDesktopxampphtdocsdashresourcesviewspartialstopnav.blade.php)

Final Error

4/4 ErrorException in Repository.php line 352: This cache store does not support tagging. (View: C:UsersIlaminiDesktopxampphtdocsdashresourcesviewspartialstopnav.blade.php) (View: C:UsersIlaminiDesktopxampphtdocsdashresourcesviewspartialstopnav.blade.php) (View: C:UsersIlaminiDesktopxampphtdocsdashresourcesviewspartialstopnav.blade.php)

Please do any one know how to correct this.


上一篇: ModuleController.php中的ErrorException 1753行:

下一篇: Laravel Zizaco角色和权限错误BadMethod错误