I cannot get value from an object in blade template Laravel 4

I have a loop foreach in a blade template where i print data from a specific model, the problem is I am not able of getting the value of "$pedido->proveedor()->first()->name" in the code giveing me this error "ErrorException (E_UNKNOWN) Trying to get property of non-object (View: C:..":

@foreach($pedidos as $pedido)  
            {{ $pedido->id }}
           {{ $pedido->proveedor()->first()->name }}
          {{ date('d/m/Y', $pedido->fecha) }}

            <a onclick="return confirm('deseas borar este registro?')" class="btn btn-danger btn-xs fullButton">Borrar</a>

The weird thing here is when I code this "$pedido->proveedor()->first()" in side the loop of the template I get an object like this:


but coding this "$pedido->proveedor()->first()->name" I get the error:

the data is sent from a controller:

public function listPedidos()

    $pedidos = Pedido::all();
//  this next pice of code shows me i can get the name as spected but only from php
//  foreach($pedidos as $pedido){
//     ddd($pedido->proveedor()->first()->name);exit;
//  }
    return View::make('pedidos/pedidos-list')->with('pedidos', $pedidos);


Another weirder thing is that I have the same code with different model and it is working.

Thanks in advance for any help. ;)


{{ $pedido->proveedor->name }}

Problem solved:

the previos answer was ok. I can use:

{{ $pedido->proveedor()->first()->name }}


{{ $pedido->proveedor->name }}

but because in one of the way of the loop there was not content to refer to ie($pedido->proveedor didn't exixt) I use this:

{{ isset($pedido->Proveedor->name )?$pedido->Proveedor->name :''; }}
链接地址: http://www.djcxy.com/p/53082.html

上一篇: laravel使用laravel 5.2中的模型从表中获取数据

下一篇: 我无法从刀片模板Laravel 4中的对象中获得价值