How to stop C# console applications from closing automatically?

This question already has an answer here:

  • Why is the console window closing immediately without displaying my output? 18 answers

  • Console.ReadLine();



    ReadLine() waits for ↩, ReadKey() waits for any key (except for modifier keys).

    Edit: stole the key symbol from Darin.

    You can just compile (start debugging) your work with Ctrl+F5.

    Try it. I always do it and the console shows me my results open on it. No additional code is needed.

    尝试使用Visual Studio中的Ctrl + F5来运行程序,这会在没有任何Console.Readline()或ReadKey()函数的情况下自动添加“按任意键继续...”的暂停。


    上一篇: iPhone模拟器和Android模拟器的区别

    下一篇: 如何阻止C#控制台应用程序自动关闭?