eloqua Oauth 2.0 submit forms

In my application i'm using eloqua OAuth 2.0 method for authentication. I was able to establish connection and successfully got access_token and refresh_token in the format below:

{ "access_token":"2YotnFZFEjr1zCsicMWpAA", "token_type":"bearer", "expires_in":3600, "refresh_token":"tGzv3JOkF0XG5Qx2TlKWIA" }

I'm trying to understand the next steps on how to make Eloqua rest api call using the access token I received?

Here are the oauth docs for Eloqua: http://docs.oracle.com/cloud/latest/marketingcs_gs/OMCAB/index.html#Developers/GettingStarted/Authentication/authenticate-using-oauth.htm

Add the following header to your request:

Authorization: Bearer 2YotnFZFEjr1zCsicMWpAA
链接地址: http://www.djcxy.com/p/48036.html

上一篇: OAuth 2.0访问令牌有哪些内容?

下一篇: eloqua Oauth 2.0提交表单