OAuth and HTTParty

Is it possible to use OAuth with HTTParty? I'm trying to do this API call, but, contradictory to the documentation, it needs authentication.

Before you say "Use a Twitter-specific Gem", hear me out--I've tried. I've tried twitter, grackle, and countless others, but none support this specific API call. So, I've turned to HTTParty.

So, how could I use OAuth with HTTParty?

I don't think that HTTParty supports OAuth (though I am no expert on HTTParty, it's way too high-level and slow for my taste).

I would just call the Twitter request directly using OAuth gem. Twitter API documentation even has an example of usage: https://dev.twitter.com/docs/auth/oauth/single-user-with-examples#ruby

I used a mix of the OAuth2 gem to get the authentication token and HTTParty to make the query

client = OAuth2::Client.new(apiKey, apiSecret, 
                            :site => "https://SiteForAuthentication.com")
oauthResponse = client.password.get_token(username, password)
token = oauthResponse.token

queryAnswer = HTTParty.get('https://api.website.com/query/location', 
                            :query => {"token" => token})

Not perfect by a long way but it seems to have done the trick so far

链接地址: http://www.djcxy.com/p/47216.html

上一篇: 我如何按日汇总数据并仍尊重时区?

下一篇: OAuth和HTTParty