Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token (

Trying to use the following code in a page test.html:

<script language = "javascript">
function test()
    if (typeof a != "undefined")
        document.body.innerHTML = "";
        document.body.innerHTML = "";
        document.write("a is undefined");
    var a = "a is defined";
    document.write("<a href='javascript:void(0)' onclick='function(){ test(a); }'>test</a>");
window.onload = function(){ test(); }

Results in the error "Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token (". How would I get the link to clear the page and display the corresponding variable?

The function(){ test(a); } function(){ test(a); } inside your onclick is the cause of the error.

You'd need to use (function(){ test(a); }) to get a function expression instead of a function statement.

However, since a is not global and JavaScript inside an HTML on* argument won't create a closure the code still doesn't work.

Here's a proper/working example using jQuery:

function test(a) {
    if(a !== undefined) {
    else {
        $('body').html('a is undefined');
    var a = 'a is defined';
    $('body').append('<br /><br />');
    $('<a href="#">test</a>').click(function(e) {

$(document).ready(function() {
链接地址: http://www.djcxy.com/p/45998.html

上一篇: 未捕获的SyntaxError:意外的标记<?

下一篇: 未捕获的SyntaxError:意外的标记(